Photoperiod Redemtion, The Fight Of Overcoming A Setback!

How's everything looking?
Things are looking good so far. I got my lazy self into the tent and did some defoliating today. Well, its 1:17am so technically that was yesterday. I also made a decision that the 818 will not be going under the trellis. I'm going to just train her for 20 tops or so than flower her out. I want to see If she herms. like the 78 did as they are from the same breeder. Me putting the girls under the trellis a long way away from today. Although a decision I needed to make, nonetheless. And thanks for dropping in on the girls DCLXVI.
Friday the 22nd let's go! I'm stoned but I'm definitely gonna keep this short. The girls are doing well. They seem to be enjoying the Ocean Forest at the moment. Reading and watching videos, something I should have done, yeah always do your homework first. It seems that the Ocean Forest gets a bashing on burning , nutrient lock and c
and lots of floks sighting deficiencies. 1/2 say Ph the water, the other 1/2 half laugh.
They claim its absolutely unnecessary to Ph the water given to plants in OF. I am in the process of testig that, using the clone that's missing from these updated images.

Interesting test on the pH/non-adjusted water. I'd think the folks not touching it have something very different going on with their water unless they say if it's tap, rain, well, etc... Different towns and cities have wickedly different water pH and hardness.
Didn't see my plants yesterday as I was away. I come home open up the tent to mist the girls and check if the needed watered. The very first thing I notice is this flowering plant. I have never received the wrong seeds or bad seeds from The Tude until now Smh. She was the Lemon Pineapple and the fact she has been transplanted 3 times in her life. Anyhow I hope to find a home for her today. If not she will be cut down tonight before lights out.
And I snapped her 2xs in 6 day time, trying to bend her over when she was younger. I just put clear tape tape over the breaks both times. As you can see the healed stalk with 2 break lines, she kept moving along. Now this other seed from The Tude the Chunky Skunk is so damn small and thick I cat even bend her over. She just won't grow vertically or really at all. I just removed her upper leaves to get light to the lower branches. I'm ready to kill her too. I will save that for Fridays update.
Well got up this morning smoked one with my neighbor. She says something about today being Friday I was confused. I thought yesterday was Wednesday all day yesterday. Well I could of did the above post and this yesterday. Well anyways the girls are doing great. The 818 has 32 tops coming in. The Marcellas is also growing well her branching doing just what I needed her to do. The other 2 monster cropped Marcellas were transplanted back into promix. They were put into 5 gallon equivalent superoots airpots. I went with promix because I plan on giving the plants liquid nutrients starting next week. I decided I would let the little Chunky Skunk be for now. I will start trellis training on the bigger Marcella soon. I am just waiting on some of her branches to grow longer. Thanks for dropping in on us.
I went to mist the girls last night i ad a few beers and some canna for sure. But boy did I pfuck up. I had people over last night to chill out in the back yard. Anyhow I went I to the house to get the fly and mosquito spray bottle. I gave my 2 big plants a nice misting before I noticed I had the bug spray in my hand. PHUCK,PHUCK,PHUCK I started to sober up real quick. I immediately retrieved the water sprayer and
drenched the 2 plants.

All I could do was finish misting the other girls. I ended up cutting the lights back to 50% from 65%. This morning at lights on both plants look sick. Some of the new growth looks like it's dying. And I swear the leaves look like they have shrunk. A few leaves on both plants are turning black/purple tint. Good thing I didn't spray all the plants. I started misting plants 4 years ago. Last night was my last time. Good thing is they are vegging I ca. Give the. All the time they need
I just had a look in on the girls and I can laugh now. Last night and this morning I was pissed. They look terrible compared to this morning lol. In about a hour I'm going to cut the effected leaves. The 818 was due to go to flower in 2 weeks. And the Marcella will still start her trellis training in 2 weeks. We will see how they look come friday. I need the 818 to be completely healthy before I even think of flower. If not we got time.

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