NEWS Recreational Oregon-The Green Revolution


A Growing Lunatic
Dec 30, 2012
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Here In The Pacific Northwest, Oregon Is Exactly Between The Equator And North Pole (Which Is North Geographically But Since The Red Point On A Compass Is Called The North Pole And Opposites Attract, The Compass Actually Points Towards The South Magnetic Pole) Oregon's Latitude Is From 42*N To 46*N With Salem In The Middle @ 45*N 123*W. A Beautiful Bountiful Temperate Land That Changes With Each Season, Green And Growing, And Has Very Diverse Climate And Topography From The Pacific Ocean To The Snake River.

The Will Of The People Voted To Legalize Cannabis And The Law Will Take Effect July 1st 2015 Which Happens To Be The 4th Full Moon (Associated With Summer Storms And Thunder) After The Equinox Of March, The 17th In Salem When Day-length Is Nearest To Equal 12/12 (St. Patrick's Day). Freedom And Independence Are The Heart Of A Democratic Republic And Are What Our Founding Fathers Fought For.

Keep Oregon Green, Plant Some Cannabis To Help Improve Our Air, Water, Soil, And Health. Lets Create Industrial And Medicinal Uses To Build Our Economy And Heal Our People, Feed Our Hungry And Animal Livestock, Shelter Our Families, Strengthen Our Elderly, Use Less Pesticides And Harmful Growth Hormones, Save More Trees, Fuel Our Vehicles, Make Less Plastic That Will Not Biodegrade, Have More Honey From The Bees, Aromatherapy, Make Some Tasty New Beers Or Other Edibles. All It Takes Is A Seed And For You To Believe. For Peace In The Middle East And Ruderalis In Corvallis.
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Fellow Oregonian here. It's not quite that simple. The state decided that voters don't have the final call and they are forming a review board to change the law. First on the plate is they are going to reduce the holding limit from 8 oz to whatever they see fit. It's also important to get on google earth and make sure your property is not within 1000 feet of a school before you start growing, or it's still a felony. DO YOUR HOMEWORK on all aspects of the law before busting out of the gate, they will be looking to make examples of people to keep everyone else in line.

A few examples are:
If your plants can be seen by anyone, you're illegal. Don't let em poke over the fence and make damn sure you're good friends with your neighbors if they can see your plants from their property.

Don't smoke anywhere in your yard where it can be seen from the road. This includes your front porch. This is also still very illegal.

As of now, your limit is four plants. That's four in aggregate (four in total) this includes both flowering and vegging plants. A sprout even counts.

Multnomah county has come out and said it is not prosecuting any cannabis cases as long as they are in compliance with the upcoming law, but an officer can still issue you a citation up to $500 for possesion or consumption. This fine circumvents the court and the MC DA, meaning you still have to pay it.

Stay free, stay informed, and grow four big ones!
Sound advice Mr. Piggy. I live in a state that will probably take awhile yet to get to the point you guys are at. Although,as more politicians see the actual dollar amount in taxes that are being collected I think the wave will accelerate.(greedy bastards) But trust me when I say, the lawmakers around the country are watching those states that have already legalized, and at the first sign of any real troubles, they will clamp down and stand staunchly against allowing this elsewhere. The rest of us who must still hide in the shadows are counting on you guys in the states that have legalized, to make everything run smoothly. Otherwise we may never see the same levels of freedom that you are soon to experience. So enjoy what changes you have been able to achieve and remember, there are still millions of us that are waiting for change.
Medical patients still have full rights, the two don't interfere with each other. Of course, now that it's getting dropped into the hands of the super secret satanic cult that is the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, we'll see what happens. I just hope they don't torpedo the process like in Washington.
Here in Alaska our legal recreational law goes into effect in two weeks and our legislators are busy dreaming up more anti smoking legislation and telling the voters "they didn't know they were voting for full legalization" Bullshit.

So watch those snakes closely as they write up the new laws many have Reefer Madness of the brain... let them know voters are watching and vote those fuckers out next election.
Sure thing willie, just trying to make sure everyone in Oregon can grow, smoke, and stay free. I've been explaining things to my friends in Portland, trying to keep everyone safe. Of course, friends and family are coming out of the woodwork left and right, asking me how to grow. I'm trying to help them, but there's only so much a pig can do.
This change has been much over do, and if they want to change a law we voted for, lets just have another election a little sooner. Here in Oregon we have huge agriculture company's growing all kinds of fruits, nuts, vegetables. Its a shame that what we used to grow to pay for taxes to Great Britain has been labeled illegal for half a century. I mean Industrial Hemp, the Cannabis strain low in THC. To me we have to fast track our fiber friend through the legal bullshit so we can get it grown on our farms, hopefully this spring. Not to mention the loads of medical research on CBD, helping with pain and other problems. Our citizens need medicine that does not have adverse affects like so many commonly prescribed prescriptions today. There are so many uses for Hemp its crazy that we haven't been using it. And if you are afraid of rogue pollen drifting through the valley, then maybe we should only have feminized seeds (although they can have problems too in poor conditions). I have always wanted to make a huge bag of femmed seed and just walk down railroad tracks or roadside ditches poking a few in the ground when its the right season. Having it go wild is better than having none at all, the law can try to exterminate us but we will grow back. I will try to do more research on legality specifics as I thought our law was 4 flowering plants not 4 total (which means I have too many). It is important for us in Oregon to establish tried and true strains for our particular environments, so we know what works best for performance, harvest, and processing. Lets get the revolution rolling.
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