Daym reb! im glad you are not seriously hurt. i hope the lil lady is recovering from her surgery.

Take care of yourself bud.


Thanks Dude! She is doing AMAZING! she has zero pain!! The doc was shocked when they called the next day to check on her and she said she was fine. Felt great! I'm so happy for her and she did so well. She was literally shaking for days before the surgery she was so scared of going into twilight. But she did awesome! Thanks for asking!

Don't feel sorry for the drama queen. I heard that it was just a stubbed toe. Sympathy merchant !

Mrs Rebel had three teeth out. Don't hear her complaining.

Seriously, must hurt like hell, we are all thinking about you pal. Wishing ya a very speedy recovery. Oh, and sue the ass off the dumb drunk.
Mrs Rebel, we salute you.


I swear you are following me around just to make me laugh!! You fucker!! :crying: Thank you my friend! My Lady thanks you as well! She's a trooper!

the young SDs are looking fiercely loaded with the force

Thanks TA! They are starting to get their fruity stink on... They smell so good! Next few weeks will be sweet!

Depending on how fast or not these SBs finish and I'm thinking 9 -10 weeks will be good for both groups. May take one at 8 weeks just to see the difference between 9 and 10 weeks. My dad always said the difference between good pot and great pot can be a matter of days or weeks. I know what a few days does for them. Now that we have 10 females I can definitely find out what she's like at 8, 9, and 10 weeks. Maybe 11 too. We'll see.

My plans for after this is fill the 3 x 3 with MOB and Pineapple Express. Wasn't going to but decided on a winter photo run. Something so bad ass about running photos indoors in the winter :coffee: Its becoming a yearly tradition here... Then the 5x5 will be autos.


And yes @trailanimal I can't smoke... Getting the lung checked again Monday. It had healed a bit within the time I was in the hospital so I'm hoping it's gonna close up quick. I'm a quick healer.

I've been eating tablespoons of tinc daily lol few caramel chews canna infused in between. I've been taking ibuprofen but that's it. They gave me Norco but I'm not taking that shit... I'm pretty well stoned off the tinc and medibles.
In the midst of all this craziness yesterday this arrived... Testing Remo Nutrients line. I can't explain how excited I am over this opportunity. They sent 9 x 1 liter bottles of their entire line. 2 x Micro, 2 x VeloKelp, Grow, Bloom, AstroFlower, Natures Candy, & MagNifiCal.



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I guess the wait was worse than the surgery . im smoking for you tonight but wouldn't mind a shot if the tinc!

Yes and thank goodness for that!! I'll take that any day. She deals with enough crap. I'm so happy she wasn't with us... So glad for that.

I got plenty of tinc! Plenty to go around! I'm dying for a smoke but I know I can't so its just not an option. I'm about to fall asleep again tho lol

So last night the lady fed again for me... I've switched over to the Remo line... Last night the Six Shooters, IB, BD, 3x SD and 1 Critical + (the last 4 are under the Roleadro) and all the kids under the Kind got fed. So everyone but the Sugarbakers lol went in to check on them and they are THRIVING!!

I had her measure out exactly what their schedule called for. They sent a pamphlet with the schedule per week so I just followed that. The numbers and dosing are similar to AN so I'm pretty confident I'm going to transition well. The plants will rather lol

The Blue Dream is has topped itself lol she smells skunky already lol this is going to be interesting...
