Oh so it's because he says so then not science?

Bro, is there any actual published scientific study done about what is optimal pH for nutrient absorption for cannabis in coco or for that matter, in any other medium? I tried to find out and simply cannot. Just thought about it since you brough up the science in all of this. I am sure there are many truths about the matter and each arrives to their conclusion based on their own empirical evidence and evidence to the contrary and they all have a big fuzz about it with their mixed data each believing they are the beholder of some ultimate truth.

I grow with DWC and I've kept my pH though multiple grows around 6.2 pH and have gotten well over 1 gpw results so there is my empirical evidence on the matter. It seems you have other experiences and that's all alright by me. What ever works for you. I just know that calsium and magnesium absorption to my plants starts to dive down after you go below pH 6.0. I am sure it is difficult to pin the absorption of each element in pH scale to a chart when the absorption must also be relative to multiple other factors. It gets really complicated. I hope someone would actually do a hardcore scientific study about this though.
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Hi @Habitual

I'm working for ya mate:

He mentions that he uses Canna coco at 0:25. Other than that, I started going through our videos to see if he mentions pH in any of them. I couldn't immediately find a video where he mentions it but you can either take my word for it, as one of the co-founders of Remo Nutrients, or you can skim through the 2180ish videos we have online and see if one of them mentions pH.

I don't know what else to say brother, you'll have to take my word on this one that this is what we do....
:eek1: step off his balls Habitual- :nono:... According to my research and what grows I've seen here, 5.8-6.2 is optimal for coco, 6.3 is hardly in the red zone, if not best,... and this is REBEL'S official test thread,.. you don't like what you see or the responses you agree with here, take it up in PM and roll the dice that way, but this course is unacceptable, period... continue to wave your damn finger in peoples faces, especially a Rep', and you'll be taking a little time out,...
With remo nutrients not even worried about ph even in coco 6.7 6.5 6.3 the girls are loving it no signs of issues, if any occur will adjust accordingly also using recharge which allows for nutrient uptake in a wider ph range [HASHTAG]#RemoNutrients[/HASHTAG]


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Wow... I go away for a few days and come back to this...

To get this thread back on track I will be posting my first update here in a few. I have 3 x Auto Glueberry OG and 3 x Future 86 so far... As I harvest more plants within the next 2 weeks I'll be planting others in their place.

We never try to suppress any information whether good or bad... However we try to maintain a certain decorum or vibe if you will... Especially when we're doing a trial run and a vendor is present. Joel has been more than helpful and went above and beyond to try and get the best answer. We can agree to disagree and continue to discuss but we don't need to be disrespectful. That's not what we're all here for and that's counter productive.