New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start

Looking great bud, really nice look to those sexy girls!
fear and loath.gif
Ph was at 6.8ish when I last checked at lights on and 4 hours ago. Will check again soon.

So i took a trip to the hydro store to pick up some goodies and they generally have good advice. Showed them pics and they were pretty happy with my results. They seemed pretty confident that what I was worried about was just the plants natural course. They seemed to think i had a little magnesium issue because of the red/pinkish branches though. But like i said they seemed fairly happy. They mentioned I might just need to keep adjusting the ph to keep it at a good level at that 7ph wasnt too bad (might just have to work a little harder to keep ph where I want it) and if i was really worried that i should just flush and start again.

So in conclusion, I think ill just continue what ive been doing for this grow since were so close to harvest and plan for the next. And i will try to relax................


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Ph was at 6.8ish when I last checked at lights on and 4 hours ago. Will check again soon.

So i took a trip to the hydro store to pick up some goodies and they generally have good advice. Showed them pics and they were pretty happy with my results. They seemed pretty confident that what I was worried about was just the plants natural course. They seemed to think i had a little magnesium issue because of the red/pinkish branches though. But like i said they seemed fairly happy. They mentioned I might just need to keep adjusting the ph to keep it at a good level at that 7ph wasnt too bad (might just have to work a little harder to keep ph where I want it) and if i was really worried that i should just flush and start again.

So in conclusion, I think ill just continue what ive been doing for this grow since were so close to harvest and plan for the next. And i will try to relax................


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Hate to say I told u so ;) just chill bro, u on the home straight, maybe just add some epsom salts for mg.
Day 94 for Lucy, 84 for Barbara. Here's some pics from yesterday in the tent. Barbara is in the front.


Pics from today. Here's Lucy:


Here's Barbara:


So the ppm/tds meter I was using was using the .5 calculation and Botanicare uses the .7 calculation, which explains why my ppms were lower than what botanicare's calculator was saying. It isn't a big deal but it's good to know for the future and I've purchased a much better tds meter that shows EC/ppm at .5/ppm at .7. Since this is my first grow what better time to do some experimenting!!!:muahaha: In an attempt to try to understand my medium better I decided to try very little nutes at a very low ph to see if I could get below the 6.5ph range. With my fancy new ppm meter I also tested ppm of the run off. The plants were fed about 500 ppm (at .7) and just over a gallon each with 10%ish run-off. The run-off was between 1300-1800ppm (at.7) so this could indicate a salt build up maybe, which is why I decided to try to give a very light feed in the first place. Before feeding, soil ph was at 7. After feed about 6.8ph and still sitting about there. Will update on changes tomorrow.

I don't think they have too much longer to go. At about 35% orange hairs and the thrichs look cloudy to me, but could just be the bad images. Thrichome images to follow in a minute.

Cheers :pass:
These were all taken from Barbara, for some reason Lucy's shots never made it, but she didn't look much different to me. In any case, they'll be taken down at the same time, so when Barbara's ready, Lucy's ready haha!

Sorry about the bad photos but it's the best I've gotten so far. Look cloudy to me but could just be the bad/shaky focus.

Peace :peace: