Outdoor Random strains in finnish short summer

Jul 8, 2017
Reaction score
Hey! Im newcomerhere. Been growing for about 6 years. But only 2 times outdoor.

Seeds: Got some random seeds from a friend plus one Snow rider.

So i doug a hole very near my house. Size of it was about 150l. Original soil was quite sandy so i added 115l of good soil mixed some of the original with that and vola.

I pregrow my plants inside with 250w hps for 3weeks. Snow white i got later and its grown for few days only. 9 plants i planted outside on the spot and Snow white is growing in 10l bucket.
This is how randoms looked like 2 days ago:

Been watering with Rain water and two times i mixed chicken shit to water. Itse was my big suprise that 1 plant is flowering plus 3 others are also showing some signs. Outside they have been almost two weeks know.
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Nice work bud...good luck on your grow!
It all comes down to this....we NEED as many votes as possible in the outdoor contest. If we don't get a solid number of voters, then we will question the love for outdoor plants, and the need for a contest!!
So PLEASE stop by both of these threads, and put down your votes.
Auto Live Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-live-bud-voting-thread.61553/
Auto Dried Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-dry-bud-voting-thread.61554/
Votes will be limited to 3 per voter, and votes will be tallied up at the end and both the live and dried bud results will be added together to crown the outdoor auto champion.

Every voter that stops by and also puts down a coment on either of the voting threads, will receive maximum reputation from me as a thanks for helping to support out sun grow ladies.