Grow Mediums Rain Science Grow Bags communal test thread

Ok so less than 2 days after my last post @Rain Science informed me of a UK distributor- seymourgreenhydro on instagram

I got into contact with them and here I am sitting with 3 of these quality 5 gallon bags less than 24 hours after I spoke with them!! :woohoo1: - excellent service from both Rain science and seymourgreenhydro !

Thank you Rain science for letting me know about them as I would never have known :worship:



Ok so less than 2 days after my last post @Rain Science informed me of a UK distributor- seymourgreenhydro on instagram

I got into contact with them and here I am sitting with 3 of these quality 5 gallon bags less than 24 hours after I spoke with them!! :woohoo1: - excellent service from both Rain science and seymourgreenhydro !

Thank you Rain science for letting me know about them as I would never have known :worship:



You wont be disappointed!
Just grabbed 10 bags. Can’t wait until they arrive.
Off and running in the May Grow Battle Cycle; six 3-gallon bags with grommets. Wish they had handles, but I'll get over it. :pighug:

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That would be my only negative thing to say. Not a huge deal or even a deal breaker. @Rain Science any reason no handles? I know they are smaller, but I had and 8oz+ monster in a 3gal and no way I could have picked up without them. I prefer handles always just makes things easier for me. That would be the only thing I would change. With that said they are the best bag out there I have seen!
Off and running in the May Grow Battle Cycle; six 3-gallon bags with grommets. Wish they had handles, but I'll get over it. :pighug:

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Almost done with this May grow using 6 RainScience bags ... just one remaining left to harvest.
I've been very pleased with them --- I like them more than my fiber pots and WAY more than my air pots. :thumbsup: Not really fair to compare them to my AutoPots since that's a whole different kind of thing.

To be sure, I'll be using 6 to 8 of these RainScience bags again later this month for the Fall Grow Battles. :shooty: