Outdoor Raidersfan777 first auto grow attempt.

Aug 24, 2015
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hey all i finally took the plunge in the world of autoflowers.
i have been growing photo's for about 4 years now, i had a small state sponsored vacation and a, couple emu on acid crazy girlfriends that forced me to quit growing for a bit. i decided to try auto mainly because i wanted some smoke for the Halloween.

first the seeds were from acsb i ordered 4 blueberry and 4 lemon skunk all feminized and to my surprise i received 5 blueberry and 5 lemon skunk.
i soaked the seeds in 2 shot glasses for about 4 hrs and then placed them in rapid rooters then in a dome, all ten germinated by the first but one didn't get past the cotyledon another was severely stunted , once they showed a tap root i put them in dixie cups with a 45/45/10 ratio of coco/perlite/earthworm castings. they stayed inside under 252 watts of cfl's until the 15th when i transplanted them to 5 gallon square hydrofarm containers, and put them outside.
the nute's are GH CocoTek , Realgrowers Recharge, and a little Earthjuice's hi-brix. as a once a week foliar i use BioAg Ful-Humix and GO bioweed.
the next 2 pics were taken the 22nd.


i of course named them
top row left to right : Sarah Jane, Susan, Ace, Leela. all the lady's an the top row are Lemon Skunks.
bottom row Left to right : Zoe, Jo Grant, Nyssa, Peri. Zoe, Jo, and Nyssa are Blueberry's and Peri is a Lemon Skunk.
at this time Sarah Jane is the tallest at 18 inches and Peri is the shortest at 11 inches.
hey sorry of the lack of updates but i had a laser poke a hole in my iris.
wow the ladies have grown. the tallest is 26 inches almost 10 inches in a week and the weather has been cloudy and rainy.

all eight gals together.

a little green surprise hanging out with peri. :woohoo:

the three blue berry's together.

2 pics of the lemon skunks hanging out.

another update again the gals are stretching like crazy. the tallest Sarah Jane is 28 inches while Peri is 19 inches. an over all average of about an inch and quarter a day for the last 9 days.

a couple of pic's of the Blueberry's the two on the left are show nice lateral grow but Nyssa doesn't seem to want too. they are 21 inches tall.


this one is Sarah Jane at an awesome 28 inches.

the next is of Leela pushing some flowers. go girl go

a group shot of the Lemon Skunks.

today / tommorrow im moving the gals to a safer location (people wise) after i tick granules and pyrethrum the hell out of the new area.