Extraction QWET to Ejuice - step by step

May 11, 2014
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Ok. here we go.

I am not an expert....but I have put in many hours of research and experimenting to get this project to work.

My goal was to have a thc ejuice that is amber in color and to feel the effects of the thc starting with the very first draw.

What you are about to read works.....and works well for me and it should for you too.

All my tests were done using a .6ml atomizer with a short wick and a standard 650mah / 510 battery.


40 grams of premium shake / popcorn buds

2 -1qt mason jars

1 liter of Ever Clear (you could use iso alcohol - but I do not)

plastic coffee strainer and paper coffee filter

1 pyrex or corningware dish (wide = faster evaporation / tall = slow evap)

heating pad

razor blade

If you dont know the details of a QWET extraction...here it is

1. Put the shake/buds in a mason jar and throw it in the freezer for a few days - do the same with the Ever Clear
(the colder the better)

2. When you are ready to start the extraction-- pour HALF the EC into the jar with the buds and swirl it around for 1 min (mixing them for longer makes your outcome more green in color ---> less mix time = more amber color)

3. Put the plastic strainer on the 2nd jar and insert the paper coffee filter

4. Strain out the contents of the 1st jar into the 2nd jar. You should have a greenish/amber juice.

5. When the filter is empty...take the remaining 1/2 liter of EC and do it again - this time swirl it around for 2-3mins (i find that a 2nd wash makes a big difference in yield)

6. Pour your juice into the pyrex dish - and let all the alcohol evaporate out. I put a fan in front of mine and in cooler temps you could use a heating pad underneath to speed up the process. My evap takes 1day w/ heating pad.
(no other heat is necessary)

NOTE: you may want to slip a old pair of nylon stockings over ur evap dish to keep out and dust or dirt particles.

When your done with this process....you will have a dish with approx 7grams of a gold/greenish/amber extract.

Your sticky wax like material needs to removed from the dish. It comes up pretty easy with a razor blade but if you find that you are having troubles - put the dish in the freezer for a few mins - it will make the removal easier .



- metal measuring cup - or small metal bowl

- double boiler or hot plate

(im sure ur stove on low or simmer will be fine) (we are shooting for 150deg)

****the following ingredients will not be entirely used – you will have extra for your next batch****

- Homogenizer - Vapeur Extract ( PEG400/200 35ml ) http://vapeurextract.com/
(this is going to keep the ejuice from separating)

- 10ml PG usp/kosher

- 10ml VG

1. Preheat your hot plate / boiler (i use a mini croc pot with some water at the bottom)

2. Put your newly made wax like extract into your metal bowl and then onto the heat source

3. Add 2/3ml of the Vapeur Extract - (they have many flavors or flavorless) (I use flavorless)

4. Grab a teaspoon or chopstick from ur Chinese take out and start stirring

As everything starts to melt it will look like a Hershey's Kiss melting in the sun....dont worry the amber is still there and will start to show up again as everything mixes together.

5. Add 4ml of PG and keep stirring then 1 or 2ml of VG

(i prefer a 70 / 30 ratio PG to VG) others might like 50/50 its up to you

There is a saturation point - it will look like your wax isnt dissolving into the liquid. That means ur liquid wont hold anymore of ur extract....so add some more PG

(I cant really tell you how much to add - slowly add a few drops at a time while stirring until everything dissolves)

It takes me about 20mins to complete the Part 2 process and when ur done - pull it off the heat and let it cool down - check the consistancy - we are looking for a oil similar to ur normal nicotine vape.

- If it is too thick after it cools....put it back on the heat and add PG (a few drops at a time)

- if it is too thin add some VG - it will thicken it up

The final result should be a translucent gold/amber liquid - and absolutely no separation that I have detected yet.

My 7gr of extract made approx 22ml of ejuice ( .1ml should be approx 20 tokes)
I've been keeping my eye on the ejuice thread for a while now. Looks like something I'm going to have to do real soon now....Thanks for your research!
Great guide! I have a couple questions. .
When you add more pg to help the wax dissolve, Is this the vapour extract, or the reg pg?
Now can the mix be more vg based? Say 70% vg, 30pg? I dont care for that hard throat hit that higher % of pg gives me. Like reverse the pg/vg to vg/pg? I have no way getting ever clear, I've done the iso method with great results!
Again great write up, once I order up that extract. . And report back my results!
Hey Mole glad u enjoyed my post.
When adding more to help the dissolve...I tried both ways straight PG and the Vapeur (which is primarily PG) and they both work. Im sure u can get away with more VG BUT its not very forgiving in all atomizers. The thickness of VG tends to clog up the works pretty often. If you could find a tank that handles the VG your golden....or better yet use a drip type system.

Also note, when I tried adding extra VG not only did it thicken the juice...it also got darker.

Looking forward to your results....good luck!
Hey Mole glad u enjoyed my post.
When adding more to help the dissolve...I tried both ways straight PG and the Vapeur (which is primarily PG) and they both work. Im sure u can get away with more VG BUT its not very forgiving in all atomizers. The thickness of VG tends to clog up the works pretty often. If you could find a tank that handles the VG your golden....or better yet use a drip type system.

Also note, when I tried adding extra VG not only did it thicken the juice...it also got darker.

Looking forward to your results....good luck!
Awesome brotha! I'm running 80/20 in my super tank with no issues. . I have a couple drippers set up, how I've tried my other failures. . Lol. .
Failures are good for learning...my first attempt was after I watched a youtube video. I soaked my buds in PG for like 2 weeks and then threw it on a croc pot for 4hrs to infuse it. What a load of horse-shit. Turned my PG green without the slightest effects from thc.
Failures are good for learning...my first attempt was after I watched a youtube video. I soaked my buds in PG for like 2 weeks and then threw it on a croc pot for 4hrs to infuse it. What a load of horse-shit. Turned my PG green without the slightest effects from thc.
I hear ya brotha.. lol. . Oooo the destruction. Loss of material. . Lol. . Thanks again!