Quick question newb…add more perlite to FFOF…?

Mar 3, 2022
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Should I add more perlite to fox farm ocean forest even though there’s already some in the bags ….and if so would I have to have 4 gallons actual fox farm and 1 gallon perlite in a 5 gall pot it would really only mean that’s a 4 gall soil pot right ? If you understand what I’m saying lol…because I’m doing 5 gallon smart pot for autos and need to know if I add perlite if you guys count that when you say “I grew my outdoor autos in a 7 gallons of soil …” do you mean 7 gall actuall soil or if u use perlite would u used 2 gal perlite would you consider it 5 gallons soil …?
Or does it not matter if I had 5 gallon fox farm and mixed 50 percent perlite making it over 7 gallon …would I still call that me growing my auto in 7 gallons of soil….what I’m trying to get at is more soil….bigger plant…but perlites not soil or does it not matter because it’s all one medium…? Wondering because I’ll start adding more perlite and using even bigger pots