Quick and Simple Cannabis Topical Healing Ointment

That’s a great read. Now days I do my dosing the easy way. Example 1 gram of concentrate at 72.3% is approximately 723mg of which for edibles I will divide by the dose I want, say 10mg and know I have to make something I can divide 72. I usually do peanut butter cookies, mainly because my mother and her dog both love them In addition, the peanut and other oils aids as a carrier. I also add a smidge of lecithin for its emulsifying effect.

As far as that article, I had never considered the density of the different oils and for precision dosing I’m sure going to work the information into my recipes in the future. Copied and pasted the whole thing for future reference. I have had great luck with my previous method. I was just happy the first time my 85 year old mother tried some she didn’t feel a thing and that’s how she likes it. :biggrin: I was afraid I might knock her out for 12 hours. :rofl: Now she is up to a 5mg cookie a day with her ice cream at night and the dog gets an eighth of one with her. This is one of the reasons I use a concentrate with a known potency for making her cookies. I wanted her to notice the affect of cannabis on her body not the effect of THC and she has notice changes. For my friends I just use the old best guess on potency since I grow my own and can’t get it tested. I’m sure I’m within a mg or two. And when it takes 100+mg to feel it anymore I don’t sweat a 5% variance. Now to making some salve for her to try. I have some old trim around here somewhere, should be all CBD and CBN by now.

Thanks for a great read! :slap:
Happy you found it useful. Still to me it is very difficult to wrap my head around it. It will come to me slowly

Thank you or the rep
I use 15% as an average for my home grown. So one gram 1000mg x .15 equals 150mg of THC. So I could use that to make a dozen cookies and know that I’m not going to be blasting anyone into the sleep zone at 12.5mg per cookie. Even if I actually achieve say 20% THC in my homegrown buds, that would still only be 16.6mg per cookie. With my friends that means they could eat 2 or 3 without being knocked out. I have two friends that are willing lab rats for any edibles I give them, since edibles don’t get me high I can’t tell if I have put in too much. For my homemade oil I usually guess that it comes out at 60-70% and err on the side of caution by using 70 in my calculations.

If you live in a legal place you can purchase items that are lab tested and be a lot more accurate and now with this additional information even more accurate. But if you have a high tolerance and do the basic math you can make safe edibles easily no matter if you use bud or oils. I now wonder how we ever survived pot brownies of the 70s. I can remember putting an ounce in a pan of brownies and just indiscriminately cutting and eating pieces. The whole pan had the potential of 1400-2800mg of THC even by 1970s pot at 5-10%. Of course back then I did not realize my liver doesn’t process THC correctly and now know why everyone, but me was passed out. :smoking:
@HemiSync what's typical "happy medium" dose? Around 40-60mg? 100mg being high as fu*k?
Colorado has on of the more reasonable edible doses and defines a recreational dose as 10mg and that’s for the occasional user. For medicated purposes 50mg is considered ample and my friends, whom are heavy users, require 50 to really feel it. Then I know some that like 10mg because it means they can eat 5 cookies instead of just one. :smoking:

Myself, when I was in Colorado, I wanted to put my inability to get a buzz from edibles to the test. So with the help and monitoring of some people out there, I consumed 2000mg of THC from professionally made edibles and beverages over the course of an 8 hour day. This while still smoking and dabbing and I never felt anything more than a mild relaxing background feeling. Only good thing about that is if I ever get sick I will be able to consume a bunch of cannabis without being constantly asleep or stoned. Even the people that were monitoring me were amazed and two of them worked in the edible industry. I have been told that there is a small percentage of folks out there that are either missing an enzyme in their liver or it could be that our stomach acids are so strong that it destroys the psychoactive properties of the consumed product.

The one thing that did work somewhat for me was anything sublingual. Tinctures held under the tongue or hard candies that I can let melt in my mouth under my tongue did work somewhat. My final appraisal is that edibles are just a waste on me for the purpose of getting high.
I also seem not to get any effect from an edible (10mg). I really do not want to wait for 2 hours before I am buzzed. Imagine drinking two beers and 2 hour later you feel it. Not for me at all. :frowny:

I want something that is portable and I do not need a lighter to use it. I have tried a friends Vape Pen. It was a hit or miss with me. We used store bought cartridges. It said 60% THC. With that much you would think it would be a one hit wonder, but it was not. I have a Pax2 and that works good for me ... but I want to make tinctures or only use a small amount under my tongue.

I appreciate all of your input and testing. :dizzy:
Here are a couple recipes that I have culled from private medical groups. I’m not going to do a lot of formatting but will try to make sure it’s readable.

From a user on the Green Oil Machine user group

Shea Canna Salve

Supplies Needed:

  • 1kg Virgin Unrefined Shea Butter
  • 2x tblspn Vanilla
  • 3x Bundles of Cilantro (how they're sold)
  • 2x Bundle Parsley (how they're sold)
  • 30x Drops Cinnamon (therapeutic grade)
  • 30x Drops Camphor (therapeutic grade)
  • 30x Drops lavender (therapeutic grade)
  • 2x tblspns coconut oil
  • 5x tblspn lecithin powder non GMO
  • 5x ounces of shake

Equipment Needed:

  • Green oil machine
  • Hand mixer
  • Glass bowle
  • Cheese cloth bags disposable
  • 1000 micron bag for straining
  • Potato Ricer or Grape Press
  • Tongs
  • Silicon spatula
  • Storage Containers


Decarb shake in oven at 240f for 1hr use mason jars or turkey bag. Put to side let cool for later.

First put shea butter in green machine turn heat to 85c check in 10 minutes should be melted, if not leave for 10 more mins.

Once its all melted, add vanilla, coconut oil, all drops and lecithin stir with spatula. Put Cilantro into cheesecloth bags keep them a size you can squeeze out. Place them in the melted shea butter submerge put on lid let soak for 24 hours at 85c stir every 2 hours with spatula and squeeze your cheese cloth bags with spatula.

Use tongs and potato ricer squeeze out all your cilantro and toss out.

Now put parsley into cheese cloth bags place in oil submerge. Again run at 85c for 24 hours stirring every 2 hours squeeze with spatula.

After 24 hours use tongs and potato ricer squeeze out all your parsley toss out.

Put shake into 1 ounce cheese cloth bags place in oil submerge. Let soak for 24 hours at 85c stir every 2 hours, squeeze with spatula each time.

After 24 hours use tongs and potato Ricer squeeze out all your shake. (Place leftover shake in jar pour alcohol 1 inch above let soak for 24 hours strain. Save solution for another time)

Strain Shea butter with 1000 micron filter into glass bowl, toss sludge. It well look to be a dark green color. Place bowl in fridge to cool, until it becomes a soft solid.

Take out of fridge use hand mixer to whip the lotion. You well notice it changing to a light green color. Once it looks whipped enough your done now place in containers.
Cannabis Salve

From a user on a private Facebook group

What you will need:

•1-2 ounces of marijuana (buds, stems, trimmings, or roots)
•16 ounces of coconut oil
•1 ounce beeswax
•1 tablespoon of vitamin-E oil (1 tablespoon of any other additives you'd like to include)
•1 large pyrex baking dish
•1 Large measuring cup
•1 Measuring cup set
•1 silicone mixer scraper (any thing used for stirring will work here, a spatula, a spoon, etc. as long as its not electric. Silicone is non-stick though)
•1 saucepan
•1 Piece of cheese cloth or a few paper coffee filters (or a cheesecloth jelly strainer)
•A container of your choice or multiple small on the go containers

1. Measure 2 cups of coconut oil (all 16 ounces) and pour into your first saucepan, Turn the heat on very low and let it melt down. (Alternatively, you can melt the oil in the microwave first, and then pour into your pan)

2. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees Fahrenheit

3. Grind up your marijuana (The marijuana doesn't need to be ground down to a powder, a rough chop, or few spins in a food processor will do. You will have to strain this later.)

4. Measure out 2 cups of your ground up marijuana and pour them into a pyrex baking dish and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. (you want the bud to be crispy, not burnt)

5. Remove from oven and pour the marijuana contents of the pyrex dish into the saucepan that contains the melted coconut oil.

6. Allow this mixture to simmer for 1-2 hours, the longer the time the better the results. Make sure to stir the mixture every ten minutes or so, and DO NOT BOIL the mixture.

7. Strain the marijuana oil mix through your cheesecloth or paper coffee filters into a large measuring cup and clean your saucepan. (If you get chunks of weed in your oil, restrain it until the oil is chunk free)

8. Now measure out 1oz of bees-wax and pour into your newly cleaned saucepan and begin melting on low.

9. Measure out 5oz (almost 2/3 cup) of the cannabis coconut oil and pour it into the saucepan containing the melted bees-wax. Continue to simmer not boil and mix well.

10. Remove it from heat once its mixed well, shouldn't take too long, and quickly stir in the 1 tablespoon of Vitamin-E oil.

OPTIONAL STEP 10.5. If you want to add fragrant oils, or other healing oils, now is the time, make sure to quickly stir them in along with the Vitamin-E oil.

11. Pour Your liquid cannabis salve into your storage container or containers and allow the mixture to cool and harden completely. You can place it in the refrigerator, but don't freeze it.

That's it!


Once it's hardened, you just grab a dab on your finger and rub it onto the afflicted area. You'll notice an immediate relief upon using the salve. Though the effects can be felt throughout the day, it's best to reapply every 6 hours to 8 hours if you suffer from moderate pain. Two weeks of regular daily applications is all it takes to notice a considerable difference.
Many are talking about the healing powers that are hidden in the rootball and stems of the cannabis plant. I have not tried this recipe yet, but the first modification I would make is leave the hammer out of it. I would put it all through a Vitamix or Blendtec blender to easily chop up those roots and stems. Then strain with a large micron filter or multi layers of cheesecloth. I don’t remember where I found this recipe.

Rootball Salve

  • Crock pot
  • Hammer
  • 1 root ball
  • A hand full of stems, cut to fit crockpot
  • 6 cups Water or more (as needed)
  • 2 cups Coconut oil
  • Aromatherapy oil (if you want it scented)
  • Cheesecloth

With the crockpot on low, I submerged the roots and sticks in 6 cups water. Cook for an hour then pull roots and stems out of water with tongs (do not pour out water). Put roots on cutting board or something to absorb the blow from a hammer. Hit the material with hammer to break apart the fibers.

If there is a lot of dirt in the cooking water, strain the cooking water through folded cheesecloth.

Put roots and sticks back in the water. Add coconut oil to crockpot. Cover and cook for 16 hours, adding water as needed to keep roots submerged. When done cooking,

Strain crockpot contents through a cheesecloth, folded several times. The water and oil mixture is now in a bowl (or two). Put the bowl in the fridge until oil has migrated to the surface and has set into a disk. Rinse off the oil disk and return to crockpot to melt. Add scented oils now, if you're using them. Pour into containers (a dark container or keep containers out of sunlight).

The roots will have a lot of coconut oil in it, so be sure to squeeze them out after they cook or submerge them in water and refrigerate so remaining oil forms a disk.