Indoor Quantum boards, Autopots & Mephisto

Just got all the lines for the res put in and ready to go. A few more days and I'll let her rip.
Day 19

Filling up the res today with 3gal water. The girls seem to be blowing up and are starting to look like actual plants. Let the fun begin.

Vb 3g gal
PC 2ml l
Drip clean 0.4ml gal
Mp 1ml l

I never did turn the QB up. It's still sitting at 115. I'm going to try and get the girls to stretch a bit before I start blinding them. Chemdogging has got some good side branching starting and will need some training soon.

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Started some leaf tucking last night to get some light on lower side branches. Looked back at some previous grows and this one is way more developed for their age. The only thing I've done different is start Mammoth P from the get go. Seems to have a positive effect. These girls are going to be beasts if I don't f them up.
scrolling down the page...crazy difference just a week makes.

perfect start on these, you attribute to the Mammoth P?
i'm gonna have to bite the bullet and purchase it...
I can't say for sure Mammoth P is the cause, but that's the only thing I've done different. Nothing scientific, just what I'm seeing . Try and get a free sample from a local hydro store, it seems well worth it so far.
Day 23

Res was empty today so had to make 3 more gals. Decided to do a little training also. SODK(left) got bent over and spread out a bit. For the Chemdogging(right), I just spread her out a bit and let the main stock go straight. The side branches where just about caught up to the main stalk anyway. Upped the base to 3.5, .5gr gal bud explosion for one feed QB 120

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Day 30

Things are coming along. The SODK is a small bushy girl and I'm hopping she'll start stretching pretty soon. I bent her over a little too much and light weight supercropped her. That was around day 26, so we'll see if stunted her to much to late. Chemdogging is looking awesome. Good structure, good growth, looking healthy and starting to flower. SODK is a bit behind her and is still got a ways to go. Raised the base to 4gr gal. QB 130 and had to raise the light up a bit. I will have to add the cob soon for the SODK. Everything else is the same. VPD is on point....I love early spring



Man you are killing it
Keep doing what you are doing
Plants look Great, Keep it simple
Nice job,