Indoor Qbgrowers perpetual grow in a 4x4 with 480w of Quantum Boards

I don't think i've grown a dp strain yet but I know theyre quality. Got 2 Twenty20 autos there as well.

Good genetics all round mate.
My LECTER has 20/20 tri kush in the f1. Selective breeding and it's on gen2 now.
I don't think i've grown a dp strain yet but I know theyre quality. Got 2 Twenty20 autos there as well.

Dp are one of the top breeders I admire from my early days to now .
Crazy to think DP now know me. Spectacular.
Dp are one of the top breeders I admire from my early days to now .
Crazy to think DP now know me. Spectacular.

I really don't know why I've never grown a DP strain. They were the first breeder i'd ever heard about and they used to be advertised everywhere in Amsterdam.

You're going places mate. Your strains are great. I'm not surprised DP are happy to know you.

I really don't know why I've never grown a DP strain. They were the first breeder i'd ever heard about and they used to be advertised everywhere in Amsterdam.

You're going places mate. Your strains are great. I'm not surprised DP are happy to know you.

Cheers buddy. .
The crazy life of a breeder lol . But I'm happy as shit. .

Day 14 for these two. They are looking nice and healthy. I'd normally be transplanting today into final pots if it was an auto but, I've decided to leave them in for a few more days to develop a nice root ball.

Day 10 for this girl. Again very healthy and growing well.


Not checked on seeds today. Leaving that till tomorrow.

Afternoon folks!

Girl on the left is 12 days old and the other two are 16 days old.


Today is root riot day for 7 of the 8 autos. Only one not to show is the CBG-Force although she's swelled up nicely. Hopefully not long.

Critical Orange Punch wins the longest tap root prize.



I gave each root riot hole a sprinkle of myko and watered them in with a weak seaweed solution and placed in a heated prop.

Big girls will be transplanted today into 15L autopots. I've washed new Canna aqua clay pebbles and left them in some water for around 6 hours. Plan is to layer an inch at the bottom of the pot and mix in around 10% worth into the soil.
Transplant day!


Moved these girls over to their final homes, 15 litre autopots with an inch of washed clay pebbles at the bottom.

Soil mix is -
  • 70% Biobizz Lightmix
  • 20% Worm castings
  • 10% Clay Pebbles
Along with the amendments stated here

I'll need to do that all again 8 times in a couple of weeks time :face:

Thanks for following along.

Hi folks!

CBG-Force popped a taproot so she's been put in a root riot and placed in the propagator. That's 11 of 11 seeds popped this run. No life in the prop yet though.

Will do a little update on the photos later today. Transplant hasn't fazed them one bit.
