Indoor Qbgrowers perpetual grow in a 4x4 with 480w of Quantum Boards

No mate it won't help any. The plants need a dark period 20/4 is the max I would recommend. :pighug:

Cheers mate. Saves me some money on electricity.

It's the first time growing in this room so I'll need to keep an eye on temps. If it drops too much during lights out I'll need to keep the lights on.

My temps drop so I keep the dark period during the day and lights on threw the night helps with keeping away jack frost:rofl:

I normally have my lights out 12 - 4pm for the exact same reason. What temp does yours drop to? And how warm do you keep the room the tents in?

I normally have my lights out 12 - 4pm for the exact same reason. What temp does yours drop to? And how warm do you keep the room the tents in?

I don't really bother with temps and controlling the environment to much. I defol if the humidity is high but apart from that I let it be. Cannabis is a hardy suker . It helps me make strains if they can be grown in minimal conditions I'm on to a winner.
I don't run a big set up with all the bells and whistles so if I can grow it so can a low budget grower. :thumbsup:
No need to bother with special treatment when it comes to my strains mate .
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Looks like I've got nothing to worry about then. :crying:

I popped my head in earlier and it looks like we've got 31 wee green seedlings now. The stems seem really strong all ready to my eye. Will fire a couple of pics up later.

We'll call today day 1.

Think we've got another couple poking their heads out the soil. That's 33.

