Dragon Meds Purple Stone {Dragons}, Anthro Test Grow

Can't help but snap a sparkly peekture when I'm in there haha!

Neko sorry I didn't see your question on age 'till just now, lemme check and see brb.

oh......my...........god !!!!!! that's about the prettiest bud I've ever seen
yeah man,them organics really pushes the natural colors nicely over other styles of growing.absolutely awesome!!:Sharing One:
Trichome inspection: I remembered that the second Red Poison I grew had those unique red-stalked trichomes, with a few scattered red trichome heads too, so I wondered if these might carry colored trichs too.

Sure enough, got out the 40x jeweler's loupe, slapped it on the phone camera, cranked up the zoom, and boom! We've got some purple-stalked trichomes!!! Plus a few scattered purple trich bulb heads too. :) Maximum coolness!

Thats some shagalicious EXP ali dose shushly awesome looking man. Id rep slap you again, but I just did on the last picture man.
You sir, and a very skilled grower my friend. Plus, those are some rockin genetics your playin with too. Damn, I need to get on the dragon train.

Thanks everyone! Really enjoying growing these :) Ok here's a full update.
Purple Stone #1: doing great, seemingly unaffected by heater burn now. Scents are very strong, but not so much like "weed" it's more like a candy light/airy herb smell, very pleasant. This could probably be a key point if one were needing stealth. Also note, the two bigger girls have started pulling a little from their respective lower leaves. I guess it's about that time huh?!

All in all very healthy.

Can see where I gave in and manicured off the crisped leaf parts.
Purple Stone #2: the beauty queen haha :) In very good health. I've put up sever shots of her lately but here's a couple more.


Purple Stone #3: the dampy survivor, doing fine in general, although not many and not big bud sites. Anything it makes is a happy bonus though :)

One really neat thing about this one in particular is the super-purp colors which the buds are taking on, whereas the other two have a more typical reddish-purple tone. By the way "Super Purp" would be a badass name of a weed toking super hero hahaa!


Ok now this has my mystified, I think these are a couple of freak bananas, but there are no others anywhere, and they're strangely located at the very top.


I suspect that the damp-off as a seedling may have been enough stress or done enough gene damage to cause this. I can't even call it a hermie cause it was just these couple... Anyway I snipped them off carefully and didn't find any others. Didn't really feel like bananas even, they kinda crumbled. Anyway, it's interesting, and I like anything interesting lol.
All for now, peace and love.
Thanks everyone! Really enjoying growing these :) Ok here's a full update.
Purple Stone #3: the dampy survivor, doing fine in general, although not many and not big bud sites. Anything it makes is a happy bonus though :)


All for now, peace and love.

Anything it makes is a happy bonus?

:slap: and another! :slap:

Peace and Love :peace:


The colours are gorgeous!
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They look great Anthropolis

Side note: Can you watch the other 2 girls closely for any late nanners , hopefully it was just the stunting/stress and not a strain wide issue
Yup yup, watching closely, no other signs of nanners. Overall they've seemed really stable, so it was a strange find. I might even need to dig in and snip a couple centimeters of that top cola there, a couple bananas look buried deep in there, and I don't wanna risk them opening up their love to the other plants. All else going well! :)
Things looking good up in here! Guess we're on Day 71 already woohoo! Haven't made any loose plans on a harvest date, just letting the plants tell me when they're ready :)

The two big girls are definitely in the final stage, and I'll be switching them to just rainwater after the next feeding or two. Being organic, I'm not hardcore or care about flushing or anything, but I do prefer to wind them down with water. They're starting to use up the low fan leaves now. I think the big girls (PS #1 and #2) have about two weeks still, there's still plenty of clears. It might be three weeks even, just letting them tell me.

Number 3, the survivor of the damp-off, is a bit behind still of course and could end up going another month even. Just the nature of nature hahaa! But she's coming around to make some beautiful buds!

All else is well and good, no other bananas found on #3, she's been nicely female except for those fluke nanners on the top peak.

Peektures :)
Purple Stone #1:


Non flashed:


That ugly heater burn is still there in a couple spots lol. Never seemed to affect it, just unsightly.

Purple Stone #2:

Flashed: show me your crystalssss! lol

Non flashed:

She's made a serious cola!



Purple Stone #3: She actually doesn't even have any pistils turned yet, so it's got a ways to go yet :)


Non flashed:

Trichome Inspection! These are from #2:

Very nice, lots of those purple-stalked trichomes showing up!

Super zoomed and cropped:

No ambers, lots of cloudy, but still many clears still.

So, we have a bit go yet, and things are beautiful! These are damn pretty plants. In hydro or expert hands, and without cold weather lol, they could probably be much much bigger, faster and and still just as pretty. :) All for now, peace and love.