New Grower Purple Kush, Red Poison, Black Cream, and Yumbolt First Grow!!!

Nov 15, 2014
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Hi AFN fam!!! I'm going to be starting my first grow pretty soon and I am going to be needing a little guidance along the way. I am going to be growing in a 5x5 tent with a 1000 watt hps. I am going to be growing 3 red poisons, 3 black creams, 2 purple kush, and 1 yumbolt plant in the 3 gallon equivalent airpots. I plan on using roots organics soil with earth juice catalyst, microblast, bloom, meta-k, some cal/mag and great white.

Now I have a few questions. From the research I've done the soil is too hot to plant the seeds directly in, so how should I go about that? Also, I plan on using RO water and I'm wondering when should I add the cal/mag?
Welcome mate!

just use some plain potting soil in a 2 inch diameter and depth plug in your pots... that way it has a buffered zone to start in before it hits "hotter" soil.

cal/mag are essential throughout the plant's life...

but as far as adding... I'd say not until about 2 or 3 weeks... and even then only aa little... with progressive scaling as they head into flower... then you should be full strength per directions on bottle. lots of those used to finish flowers.. :smokeit:
Welcome! - Sweet are going to be a happy farmer in about 75 days :)

3 things

1- Get some garden/dolomite lime to amend your soil likes to gently push the pH towards 7.0, very useful when
feeding nutes that tend to be acidic.

2- RE: RO water - RO water doesn't have any minerals in it, which is fine...but it's a bear to buffer (adjust pH) use your
CaMg to help you make the water hold a buffer better (Once you start paying attention to that).
CaMg is a super general maintenance addition. You plants will tell you if they aren't getting enough.
We'll help you identify that :)

3- Get ready for some pretty big plants....3 gal. is a great size airpot for making big plants :)

JM has you covered on the crater of lighter soil in the middle to start the seedlings off and the CaMg advice.
Hey guys, I'm back!!! I didn't end up doing this grow some other things came up that were more important. Anyways I'm here now and ready to learn how to grow high quality medicine :headbang: I am still going to be using the 5x5 tent with the 1000w mh & hps. Instead of the FFOF, I want to use pro-mix hp. I found an extensive post that compared some good nutrient lines and the grower liked the EJ line the best. I want to give it a try so I'll be using EJ grow, bloom, micro-blast, catalyst, and meta k. I will also be using Safergro biomin cal & mag, Hygrozyme, Advanced Nutrients Piranha, Megagro, and Greenfuse bloom stimulator as additives.

I have some questions about the pro-mix and feeding. How often should I water this stuff and when should I start adding the nutrients? If anyone has any advice on how I should use all of these products please let me know. I will be posting pics soon but first to the hydroponic shop!