Photoperiod Prof Green's Mixed Marijuana .... (Photo and Auto)

Prof Green

Check out My Diary ... Photos and an Auto....
Apr 20, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hello All,
Ive been growing weed for 5 to 6 years, im now re-starting after a 2-year break, some things ive remembered, others not so much :haha: This isn't a start to finish one run diary, it's going to be a rolling diary from now until .... well lets just say Ive no plans to retire any time soon!
Im doing a Black DOG by Humbolt Seeds, Blueberry Headband by Emerald Triangle, 2X Blue Cheese by Barneys Farms. These are in Flower on 12/12 and have been for 16 days. Here are some pics of them:
one side tent.JPG one side tent.JPG BH flower.JPG above BH.JPG Above BD.JPG above BC 1.JPG above BC 2.JPG
1st pic is one side of the tent, 2nd is the other side, 3rd pic is a flower from my big girl the Blueberry Headband, 4th pic is above view of BH, 5th pic is above the BD, 6th pic is above one of the BC and 7th one is also a BC. I have also got an Auto, its a Big Bang Auto by Greenhouse seeds.

Ill leave it there for now, ill post about what feeds I use etc in next few posts. Ill also share what I have in veg.:thanks:
Have a good one,
Prof Green


  • other side tent.JPG
    other side tent.JPG
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I wanted to post about my Auto separately as she seems to be getting swamped by my other bigger girls in the tent, in the pics, in everything, bless her :sadcry: Ive had a few problems with her right from the beginning. She didn't seem to grow, she looked very unhappy, I realized I had overwatered her and her roots were cold. I whipped out the electric blanket and hey presto!! she was loving life again, my other girls perked up as well. She is on day 33 today. At this moment in time ive got her raised up so she's not swallowed whole by the canopy :grin: she's on an upside down washing up bowl to lift her nearer to the light, 600-watt HPS parabolic shade. Here are a few pics:
BBA 3.JPG BBA 2.jpg BBA 1.jpg BBA 4.JPG
As you can see in the 1st pic her leaves all curled up at the end but when I gave the roots a gentle warming with the EB she soon perked up. The last pic was taken 7 days ago.
Thanks all
Prof Green :pimp:
These are my girls in Veg, the next generation ...In this thread, you may hear me mention "The Pig", if I do and you wonder what's that ... its a homemade light, its 2 eco CFL bulbs in clip on holders, then these are clipped/taped onto an old shade and light fitting for a HPS and Hey Presto!! You've got a cheap as chips veg light for seedlings, cuttings, and small plants, but the I've got a 400-watt HPS for them when they're big enough. My Mate has made one too, but his light was way better, so we called his light "the Ferrari" of CFLs and mine looked like an old 3 wheeler car next to his, haha, so I named it after what we call three wheelers round our way ... "The Pig" Hence the name of the light lol Hope you enjoy this thread folk ill try to keep it light and entertaining,
Right update time, as I've no Bloombastic me and @nudger36 decided Molasses would be fine to give My ladies just for a bit, I used 1teaspoon per litre and I made 11 litres in all, I shared it between all 4 girls BH BD and the 2 BC. They lapped it up and not even an hour after all their leaves were up tilting towards the sun. I also gave 1 of the BC 1ml per litre of PM Bloom The BH had 2ml per litre of PM Bloom and then the BD had 2.5ml per litre the other BC just had the Molasses. I started all the 4 girls on PM Magna Cal 0.25ml per litre.

PH was low at 4.4 I didn't have my PH up when I fed but I've got it now,

QUESTION: What do you guys think I should PH it up to? Is it 6.0 to 6.5???

The girls in veg are also flying here's some pics of them, they're still with The Pig-ster
he's loving being famous!

Blueberry Gum My Fave! Girl

Cuts various from tent girls

Smottie Remix some on second set of leaves

And the Pig-ster Extraordinaire!!

Temps at 26.5 and decent humidity.

So, I'll leave you there for now .....

Thanks all for sharing my journey... what? What's that you're saying Pig? Oh Yh right ... sorry Pig Ahem! Attention grow bros and grow sis, Thanks to all for sharing OUR journey, mine and Mr.Pigs

See you guys real soon

@912GreenSkell @epenguin @Clix @nudger361976 @Mr. Sparkle @Dr. Babnik @oldpro

Hey, Guys, I hope it's ok to tag you its just cos it's my first foray here in Autoflower, thanks for the kind comments folks, please can you tell me is this photo size ok? and am I doing this right lol
Thanks guys
Prof Green
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Hey, feel free to tag me anytime bud. Sometimes i get distracted away form journals so a nudge every week or two is good to keep me checking!!
Hey, feel free to tag me anytime bud. Sometimes I get distracted away form journals so a nudge every week or two is good to keep me checking!!
Hey @912GreenSkell Thanks so much for the reply, im struggling to put my grow thread in my signature could you give me a few pointers, please? thanks a lot, im liking it here, glad I came! Thanks
Prof G