Indoor Prima Donna


Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form
Jul 13, 2013
Reaction score
Welcome to my Prima Donna grow.:pass:
Thanks @Magic for the beans:thumbsup:

Let's get to the specs...
Strain: Prima Donna (photoperiod)
Container: Solo cup (starting/sexing) 1.5-2.5 pot (flower)
Soil: Roots Original amended for water only feeds
Lights: CMH/ mixed leds

Today they are 15 days from sprout and 1 day into the flip.
They'll stay at 12/12 til they sex out and then they'll be re-potted and re-vegged for 2 weeks then back to flower mode.

Thanks for stopping by!:pass:
Welcome to my Prima Donna grow.:pass:
Thanks @Magic for the beans[emoji106]

Let's get to the specs...
Strain: Prima Donna (photoperiod)
Container: Solo cup (starting/sexing) 1.5-2.5 pot (flower)
Soil: Roots Original amended for water only feeds
Lights: CMH/ mixed leds

Today they are 15 days from sprout and 1 day into the flip.
They'll stay at 12/12 til they sex out and then they'll be re-potted and re-vegged for 2 weeks then back to flower mode.
View attachment 822475
Thanks for stopping by!:pass:

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Welcome to a late Monday-Early Tuesday update:pass:
The Prima's are 22 days from sprout and 8 days into the flip.
So far here's where they stand...

4 males
PD males.JPG

And 2 undecided
PD unknowns.JPG

I'm sure I'll know what the last two are in the next few days.
Fingers crosses for at least one female.

The males will go off to the male tent and I'll choose the best of the best in the next week and chop the rest.:tang:

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers:
toes and fingers crossed for 2 girls!
Thanks for the well wishes @trailanimal :cheers:
It seems to have paid off:thumbsup:
The remaining two are indeed girls.
They'll get potted up into 2.5gal containers and go off to reveg for a few weeks.


I'll post some pics once they get settled in their new digs.

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers:
Thanks for the well wishes @trailanimal :cheers:
It seems to have paid off:thumbsup:
The remaining two are indeed girls.
They'll get potted up into 2.5gal containers and go off to reveg for a few weeks.
View attachment 826223

View attachment 826224
I'll post some pics once they get settled in their new digs.

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers:
cool, looks like you got the girls primed to reach for the sky, or the lights
Welcome to a Tuesday evening update:pass:

Both lady Prima's are now potted up in their new homes.
2.5gals of healthy soil:thumbsup:
They'll veg for another two weeks or so and get the flip.
Here's the disco queens...




Still flowering the males and will decide on which will be the keeper of the round.
Pics to follow soon:thumbsup:

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers:
Welcome to a Wednesday evening update:pass:

Well we are down to one female.
[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] decided to throw some balls out so it got tossed.

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is looking great and re-vegging really well.
She still has another week or so before she goes back into the flip.

Let's get to the pics...





I still haven't decided if I'm going to top her yet or not.

I still have all the males running.
I wanted them to mature a bit more before I give any the chop.
There are two that look to be the keepers of the bunch so far.
A safety meeting with @Magic to decide their fate be in order... :devil:

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers:
Welcome to a Sunday afternoon update:coffee:

Miss Prima Donna is now in the flip.
She went in on Friday as I had an opening available.
I decided that I'm not going to top her. Which is best anyways, as I prefer to let my ladies grow natural.

Here's some pics of her last night...




@Magic and I had a safety meeting and decided the fate of the males.:tang:
We decided on keeping two of them.
One with purple highlights and the other heavily stacked with clusters of balls:d5:
I'll post pics of them later tonight once lights come on:thumbsup:

Thanks for stopping by!:cheers: