New Grower Price of weed in england

I'm ashamed but I once paid 260 for an oz of Barneys blue cheese but it must be been grown by a pro it was the best smoke I had and I'd actually pay it again. Asked and it was all gone not surprised lol. Need to get my arse down to essex and stay away from country lanes lol
yeah yikes bad prices and fuck soapbar if it comes to it id always try and get a bit of Leb or something
Need to get my arse down to essex and stay away from country lanes lol

lol, aint that the truth, I would pay for exceptional weed tho, it does last a lot longer in the long run cos it knocks ya socks off compared to normal strength weed. But I like variety aswell and being under complete control, no cash cropping here, its all mine!! lol
Is the cheese at 200 good cheese or just the same as everyone who says they got cheese when it's probably a cross and smells abit cheesey?
That will be grade a cheese at 200 brother :thumbs:
Lol you lot are just pissing me off now haha hate living in London already now I hate it even more.
Essex? Not sure i fancy trading my bird in for an orange doll lol ;) towie makes me laugh
Haha its only down the road ninja and not hard to find...