Nutrients Prescription Blend Grows AutoSeeds HIJACK in 2 Litre Soda Bottle - Test by Only1Sky

It would seem that this is kind of comparison would be harder with autos unless you had a large test size (statistically significant sample size would be ~10-20 plants testing 1 variable) or a strain with well known phenos. Both of these look really nice so far though!!
I totally agree. Even if this was done with clones, we'd still need more than just two in our sample. So differences in height and structure should not be attributed to anything other than phenotype. Nevertheless, its helpful to run an "unknown" (Prescription Blend) along side of Greenleaf, which has been very popular recently at AFN.
So, time for an update. Here's the two gals at day 31. Both have been in flower now for a few days, each on early phase of the bloom nutrient formula. Daily misting with kelp extract. Greenleaf's plant (red band) is also getting cal-mag in with her mix, Prescription Blend is au naturale -- nothing but the formula.

33.Hijacks (31) a.JPG
33.Hijacks (31) d.JPG
Day 38 and all is well. Both seem very healthy. Here's two photos of each, one straight on, the other looking from slightly down. Greenleaf first, then PB.

40.HJ MC (38) a.JPG
40.HJ MC (38) e.JPG
40.HJ PB (38) d.JPG
40.HJ PB (38) h.JPG
:greenthumb: :woohoo1: couple-a beauties 'Sky, looks to me like the PB girl has gained some ground! We'll see who packs it on best and frostiest now.... :eyebrows:
Yep, I agree. The PB girl is adding some height here, even though its a bit late (41 days) in the process. I'd say these two Hijacks are quite equivalent in overall development. I'm quite happy with them both. Daily feed to slight run-off and kelp foliar spray is all it takes.
nice job sky my good friend also how your lovely pup doing
Thanks @St. Tom . 2-liter bottles deliver a surprising amount of "punch" for a relatively small footprint of real estate.
Lovely pup is doing well, thanks. Two days ago he was doing hospital visits, and today he went to the groomers for a "spa" treatment. Not bad life.

Charlie at SRH 2-18-20 cropped.jpeg
2-20-20 at Groomers.jpeg
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