Nutrients Prescription Blend Grows AutoSeeds HIJACK in 2 Litre Soda Bottle - Test by Only1Sky


The only way out is in.
Cultivators Club
Feb 23, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dinafem, Sweet Seeds, Mephisto, HSO
This journal will document two distinct efforts; first is the AutoSeeds 2 litre Autoflower Battle I. 2020, and second is the testing of Prescription Blend's new-to-market nutrient line.

0.AS Drop.JPG
10.Hijacks (8) a.JPG
10.Hijacks (8) b.JPG
The Autoseeds Hijack ladies are now 19 days old and seem to be doing well in their 2-Liter soda bottles. Both have had two feedings of diluted nutrient mix, and daily misting with Kelp. I marked the bottles so that its easier to distinguish who is getting Prescription Blend (purple band) and who is getting GreenLeaf (red band). Today both got topped, and here are their before-and-after chop pictures. :biggrin: @Prescription Blend

21.HJ PB (19) a.JPG
21.HJ PB (19) b.JPG
21.HJ MC (19) a.JPG
21.HJ MC (19) b.JPG
Day 23. Both gals doing well. Red Band (GreenLeaf) continues to be a bit bigger, but then, she was from the very beginning (germination) prior to any nutrient feeding. Four days ago I put both on the full vegetative schedule. They get fed about every 3 days, enough to get a slight run-off. Using grams per gallon, PB (Purple) is now on Core A & B (5), Bio-Si (2), Kelp-Ful (2) and Precursor (2). GreenLeaf (Red) is on MegaCrop (4) and Sweet Candy (1.3).

25.Hijacks (23) a.JPG
25.Hijacks (23) b.JPG
i cant wait to see what you can do with these nutes sky ive just started trying emerald harvest so wish me luck
Yep, likewise bro. And we're both very keen on seeing how well they handle AutoPots lines. I'm still top feeding those for now. But I have high hopes.
Both gals now in flower mode. Megacrop (red band) began flower on day 26, Prescription Blend (purple band) was one day later. I reckon that I'll now adjust the nutrient mix to account for this lovely development. I'm getting personal now (LST) as you can see. All the best, you all.

28.Hijack-R (26) Flower.JPG
30.Hijack-P (28) Flower a.JPG
These are both looking very nice I like your label, I’ll have to get some stickers made up. What’s the expected flower time on these?
@Prescription Blend - Stickers will be great -- as you can see from trolling this site, AFN growers love to decorate everything with vendor logos (pots, tents, cabinets, backpacks, ashtrays, auto bumpers, etc). Just another task for your marketing do-to list.

I have no real clue on flower time for my gals. I've never grown the Hijack strain before. But here's my statistics (for autoflowers) over the past 3 years and 15 separate grow cycles:

Range from sprout to chop is 68 to 111 days, but the average is 92.5 days. Average from prior grows in 2-Liter soda bottles is 82.6 days.

So, given that these two Hijacks started flower at (on average) day 26.5, then I'd guess that we'll spend 56 to 66 days (or roughly 8 to 9.4 weeks) in their flower phase.

How's that for a guess? :toke: I've now marked to calendar. Harvest likely will be around last week of March thru first week of April. :biggrin:
:smoking: I love me a solid side-by-side test grow! Only real variable are the phenotypes, something very hard to qualify at this point, plus it's a new strain to you.... they both look stout and happy, but Prime Time is now started so we'll see... :headbang:
:smoking: I love me a solid side-by-side test grow! Only real variable are the phenotypes, something very hard to qualify at this point, plus it's a new strain to you.... they both look stout and happy, but Prime Time is now started so we'll see... :headbang:
It would seem that this is kind of comparison would be harder with autos unless you had a large test size (statistically significant sample size would be ~10-20 plants testing 1 variable) or a strain with well known phenos. Both of these look really nice so far though!!