New Grower Premature

It's my understanding that the switch to bloom nutes should not be done till she stops stretching,that has not been my practice tho ,I usually see pistils from 14-20 days but I haven't been switching till 35-40 days,they continue to stretch while the flowers build ,I have had good success doing it this way( with autos) but if there is any good input on this I will start doing it different since I have some plants that are 27 days right now...can anyone comment ??
well because im weed poor, My quickone I'm going to start feeding bloom nutes.. Like you said she wont make real weight but Ill have a good oz of sweet sweet og very soon!!! wile I wait for the rest!!
I love it when i get a "quickone" ..

LMFAO!!!!! How the heck did you become weed poor?????????????

Dude, I expect more out of one of our fearless leaders!!!
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