PPFD for Autos?

I generally run 35-40 DLI for seedlings and try to hit 45-50 otherwise unless I need to adjust light regimes for heat issues. I have noticed (anecdotally) that if I try to push too much over that the plant seems to be less tolerant of nutrient or grow environment problems. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
I’ve seen many people complaining about light stress from LEDS. But then on the other hand there is an argument that no matter what LEDs shouldn’t burn plants because outdoors they get more from the sun. However, the sun isn’t quite as close to plants as an indoor led light would be lol. I can’t argue over it being a matter of too much light forcing the plant to uptake quicker leaving deficiency, or it being down to burning them via the light. Since I noticed it I’ve been adding in half a ml of calmag to my feed. My feeds have been heavier than usual this year. But I never used as much sensizym with my other Grows. They are medium sized plants, but the roots were at the bottom of the 16L pots real quick to the point they were growing out the bottom of the pots. I’m assuming I do have a strong root system and they are just demanding more. I’ve decreased my base feed by 0.5ml, and upped the PK (big bud to 1.5ml per litre). I’m hoping I can push it up to 2ml per litre. With advanced nutrients they always recommend higher base feed and divide by 2 for additives. Eg: 4ml base feed bloom, 2ml big bud. But 4ml is crazy man the ppms get majorly high and I’ve never had any plant that can go over 2ml base feed per litre. I was running 1.5ml per litre for a good while. However I’m not blaming coco grow nutrients, but whenever I do use them In veg I tend to see some spotting in flower. But, when I use coco bloom all the way through veg and flower instead, I don’t get spotting. Just hoping I’ve stopped the spotting and hopefully they will bulk up. I do have some fungus gnats in the medium I’m sure, so it could be those fuckers that are causing deficiencies. I’ve been attacking them fly traps and DE. My run off is consistently low which makes me feel like I should up the feed. I feed around 500-580 ppms and the run off is usually around 200-300ppms
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IMHO, YMMV. I don't think it is so much about the light levels affecting plants, as it is how the light is affecting the overall grow environment. Which, in turn, is what does the affecting. So..yeah it affects the plants, but not directly so. Sort of a chain reaction event. If that makes sense.

If I am trying to burn away at 1000 PPFD during the summer months here, even indoors in the tent, then that will cause me all kinds of heat and humidity issues in my environment. When my AC kicks off, I've seen temps go from 80F to 90F, I've even seen right at 100F before.

Obviously those temps above = 90F+ cause all kinds of related issues. So I have to really dial it down PPFD-wise. Maybe I run at 600-700PPFD during the hottest part of the day, or whatever.

And this time of year it's a cakewalk, for the most part, for me to sit right at my ideal 80F/60RH range for the entire run(s) despite how hard I crank the lights. Don't even need to run my humidifier.

As long as my environment is solid, I find I can do pretty much anything with the lights. And really get into my mad scientist experimentation.

I personally do not think your "issues" are light related. You're sorta answering your own questions in a way. You're feeding heavier than normal, etc etc. Which is something that I personally think is GREAT. All about that as you know. You gotta experiment and do the old "Let's see what happens!" thing to learn and such. Whenever I play with nute levels, I always play with the base nutes first.

As I have mentioned in the past, I have ran my auto plants on Floraflex at beyond photo levels and seen no real issues. I may not NEED to do it, but I have, and I have learned what I can and should not do right? Even if it is for no other reason than simply wasting nutes. Autos can take way more than most people think, and can be pushed much further. But you find a point of diminishing returns. Like any other plant.

So, I'm not familiar with your nutes. Are you adding additives to the base nutes? Because this is where I have run into problems. Sounds to me like you are seeing a mag lockout. You have to figure out why. When I have seen mag lockout in my tent, it has only been when I play with Recharge. It's recharging "something" that my floraflex doesn't like. Maybe making my calcium more available? Whatever. I stopped using it and my problems stopped. You might be seeing a similar issue with something you are doing. The cal-mag though, it's not going to help the spotting, and may actually make it worse, even though you are using small amounts. Get a bag of straight Epsom salts.

When I decide to bump up my nute levels to see how hard I can push, on my quest for a 2lb auto, I no longer add anything to my nutes. Maybe a little silica here and there. That way I can gauge how my plants are reacting, what they want, what they don't want. etc. And then, if I decide I want to play with an additive I will.
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I am new to indoor growing, but I have experience growing cannabis and it cousin humulus lupulus outdoors (these two genuses have a surprising amount in common even though one is a perennial and the other is an annual that is propagated through root cuttings). What I have experienced is that when I switch the power on my LED-based light to 150W from 120W in a 2x2.5 tent and PPFD goes to over 800, the plants start to show signs of light burn. It looks like a nitrogen or magnesium difficiency at first, but then the telltale signs of light burn show up. I have had to keep them in the 700s to prevent light burn. However, I am growing organically. I am getting pretty amazing results in the 700s with the last two weeks of flower on a 12/12 light schedule.
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I am new to indoor growing, but I have experience growing cannabis and it cousin humulus lupulus outdoors (these two genuses how a surprising amount in common even though one is a perennial and the other is an annual that is propagated through root cuttings). What I have experienced is that when I switch the power on my LED-based light to 150W from 120W in a 2x2.5 tent and PPFD goes to over 800, the plants start to show signs of light burn. It looks like a nitrogen or magnesium difficiency at first, but then the telltale signs of light burn show up. I have had to keep them in the 700s to prevent light burn. However, I am growing organically. I am getting pretty amazing results in the 700s with the last two weeks of flower on a 12/12 light schedule.
Yeah the light burn issue seems to display calmag def for people. I’m in two minds if it’s LED lights that cause this, or it’s like manofgreen said... too much light encourages the plant to grow even faster and ends up leaving nutrients behind. With my ppms being low in run off, I’m considering upping my feed but kinda paranoid at this stage in case it’s a case of over fertilising already. But from what I’ve read, most people are claiming when the ppms are low in run off, the plants require more nutrients. I brought my base feed down lately, but thinking of upping it just in case they are deficient in some stuff like calcium. Decreased base feed, increased pk and added some calmag
we’re sorta confusing things? Even if you had a calmag deficiency at the top of your canopy. Adding more calmag wouldn’t fix it since the calcium in the calmag is immobile and will have no effect on older growth and certainly can lock out the magnesium in the calmag, not allowing the magnesium to do its thing. That’s why I always recommend having a bag of straight magnesium on hand = epsom.

Regardless of how you want to look at it, fairly easy to troubleshoot. Just try dialing the light intensity back and see if the issue spreads.