Glad you can tag along brother!! Let me know if u end up trying to make some! I'm making a small batch today with .25 to .5 of wax in like a half Oz of corn syrup you got to remember when making if u start with a Oz of corn syrup with adding water and stuff will add volume !! Haven't tried with lemon juice yet (citric acid) <-- seen this in a couple syrup recipes but I'm gonna be trying this today what I did to get the syrup down was take a baby syringe for medicine that measure at ml up to 5 ml tops and u use that to measure the water and ever clear or whatever but later on I'll be able to give everyone more on it with the lemon juice. I'm hoping adding the lemon juice helps break down the soilds/waxes idk tho we will see!!I'm in!! Gotta go to the damn laundrymat and it's next to a health food store,have to give this a try !!
Most definitely hopefully I can have it down completely by the time u can make it and hopefully guide you a littleWhile I'm at the "mat" I'll look up a few video recipes and see what is recommended ,I won't get to try it today but I will maybe mid week,this will give me time to plan an attack,in the meantime,keep me posted of how thing go with your batch...