Posts adding themselves....

Several times when I was writing a post and decided not to send, it somehow still loaded itself.
In order to delete somthing typed into the box you must delete it and type something you do send. Otherwise it hangs out in there unseen until you send something. I know it is weird behavior but it is actually "saving a draft" It really is useful for most stoners. You can probably also delete everything in the box and hit save draft.
You can probably also delete everything in the box and hit save draft.

Nice Job MoG :D

There's also the option in the editor (4th button from the right) that looks like an old school floppy disk with a down arrow.

If (lke me) you sometimes write something and then realise that you definately WONT be posting it ... you can click that button and "delete draft"

And then it wont follow you around AFN (like it does) waiting for an accidental post button press or to appear at the top of a post you wanted to post
(could I have made a delete draft button sound any more complicated?!?!? :rofl: )

Delete draft does not delete the post; it deletes the draft.

If you type a post, save draft, then erase your post, THEN, refresh? It will show your draft. You can do this over and over again.
If you delete your draft, then erase your post and refresh, it will be a blank box.
Delete draft does not delete the post; it deletes the draft.

If you type a post, save draft, then erase your post, THEN, refresh? It will show your draft. You can do this over and over again.
If you delete your draft, then erase your post and refresh, it will be a blank box.
Yep, I’m definitely to medicated for this topic:-#