@Mañ'O'Green @derek420colorado Hey guys. Holy hell it has been a rough week. Big storm came through and knocked out power for a few days and I couldn't get on here. I didn't know exactly what you meant by "mini-flush" MOG, so I ran a few gallons of pH'd water with Drip Clean through her. I followed it up with about half a gallon of nute mix of week 2 at 50%. I saw on the Soil B and Nitrogen Boost that they have some magnesium in them (0.5% & 0.8%). Should I have still added some epsom salt? I was worried with what I had previously put in before the flush and with what was available in the feed it would be too much if I added more salt. Alas, I have noticed some loss of luster and color and some spotting with some of my big fan leaves since this. How long does it usually take for this to start getting better?
Please bear with me guys, it's been a complete shit show this week. With losing power, I had to move her from window to window trying to get her some light or trying to stealthily hide her outside in the middle of a damn trailer park. Thanks for your help too, I'm just trying to get over this hump without messing her up anymore than I already have.