Possible deficiency.. Need help please

It wouldn't hurt to tag @Waira he knows what's what and can usually nail it down pretty quick
Right on. You guys are awesome. Im guessing most of these babies have a few weeks left at most, so I'm pretty motivated to make sure these buds get the best chance possible
:toke: hey buds-- yup, a fresh pH reading is in order, and info on your feeds (NPK #'s), dosage, soil brand... brudda Step' makes a good call-- from the looks of things, more than one thing is going on, most likely suspect is off pH, which can make the diagnostic waters more muddied,... the discoloring and patchy necrosis smacks of P defc., the overall yellowing on higher leaves might be tied to it, or could be some S defc. starting too,... If the soil pH is mid- 5's, several nute elements start to get locked out, especially P,... Mg and Ca don't do well either,... How will you be testing? best way is with a quality soil pH probe, like the Accurate 8, otherwise, it's the dubious run-off method, which is generally a faulted one, due to lots of potential measurement error... often folks just take run-off right from the pot base, but that will not give an accurate reading, especially if collected from a dirty saucer! ...here's a link to an improved method and calculation, that helps eliminate inherent sources of error/contamination-- ( https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-for-run-off-testing-and-ph-estimation.41733/ ) .... we need to find out if you have a simple lack-of type defc. ( probably not if you've been adding PK booster), or a pH lockout causing the nutes to become unavailable, even if present,... or least likely, but not out pending nute info, toxicity issues,....
...forgot to add: nope, Zn is out, no symptom match at all there,... it's very distinct! --it is however, a very common micronutrient defc., along with Fe,... Mn is quite rare,...

...Guys, if you haven't seen it yet, check out the Defc. Pic Depot I put together here, in the sticky's section here, above the general postings section,...
...forgot to add: nope, Zn is out, no symptom match at all there,... it's very distinct! --it is however, a very common micronutrient defc., along with Fe,... Mn is quite rare,...

...Guys, if you haven't seen it yet, check out the Defc. Pic Depot I put together here, in the sticky's section here, above the general postings section,...
Fe maybe that's what I was thinkin ... Realistically it could be anything until we know if it's acidic or alkaline
Have a sick hightimes from like 95 with a chart showing all them
Thank you very much. If you popped over to the indoor section and checked out my grow journal labled first auto/indoor grow, ID be much obliged, and it'd save us a lot of time and typing in regards to supersoil ingredients and Bloom nutes.

I have a rapitest mini pH tester. It's analog. I don't think it has replaceable batteries. Idk how it works, or if it's accurate, so I'll have to try the other method and report back in an hour

Figured it'd bebest to try to sort this out in this section, for others to possibly reference.

So far I've been getting an average pH of about 7.3, following the waira method. Ive just tested a few so far.

Wondering if I ought to hit em with the Cal/mag and maybe some of the Pegasus potion along with the Bloom nutes?