Possible deficiency.. Need help please

Here's some pics. The supersoil had some lime and Epsom, but not a whole lot.


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Cal mag, root bound, or salt build up ... The purpleing would suggest stress
Looks like it's inside so couldn't be from temp drop... Also phosphorus or even manganese
They had a couple temperature drops when young. But everything has been stable for quite awhile.
Last I checked ph was around 6.5, but that was awhile back. They've been getting plenty of PK, so I kinda doubt that could be it. The leaf tips aren't burnt, so I don't think it's nute burn.

I'll check pH when I get home. And I'll probably grab some cal mag and give em a shot of that and report back
I would check the pH, I agree it looks like a few things. Cal/mag is something that is always good to have on hand, so I would get it regardless.

Yeah man, people in the infirmary are usually pretty fast at responding.Report back with the Ph, and until then have a good one bud.
I wanna say zinc also for some reason