Dragon Meds Portal Bud Blast

Cool man, we're good here although a lot of stress at work, but we're getting by, life is just like that at times. Some new medi meds are definitely going to help alleviate all that.
:meds: :joy:

I know about the work stress too man, nothing worse for sure. its what has kept me down lately too.

If it weren't for the meds i would be in trouble
Made some frozen meds--raw blended in a basic blender in ice and water. Used popcorn from under the Fairy Frost.


Ice in water to help keep the canna from heating on the blender blades. This is an inexpensive blender, not one of those 200, 300, 500 buck models, it did a good enough job, nice dark green "juice", good pulp and a lot of parsley snocone on top. Too much ice I guess. Wrapped trays in plastic to help protect the terpenes.

Storage form, can blend a cube or two with ice cream or fruit and yogurt, something fatty to emusify the cube so your terps don't just all stick on the side of the blender. For this reason, was not recommended to me to blend cubes with fruit or vegetable juice, something fatty will deliver better.
Have you tested the canna cubes yet? im curious if you could taste them.

Yeah man, well the pure juice is strong, a lot of peppery bite to it. I didn't get to making a smoothie with a cube yet due to busy schedule, I imagine the taste is going to be strong no matter what else is in there. Not an issue for me but might bother others, I don't know. There's a lot of pure essential oils in there, ala terpenes, so it would be something akin to eating a mouthful of fresh mint leaves, fresh basil, etc...fresh herbs, straight, are always going to have a bite.

I'm thinking go for savory rather than fruity sweet...plain yogurt, a lil salt, tomatoes and cucumber, and a little extra water to blend.
I don't mind the peppery either. i got that eating a fresh bud. making the frozen cubes is brilliant at preserving the good stuff in the canna. guess i have something else added on my to do list!
Hey bro, looking great my friend. have you ever grown a white pheno of the SD? well Black Stone. this is thee shit man. I have had whites of the Stone Dragon but now with the black stone its (IMHO obviously) sooo much more crisp than I remember.

I haven't seen those phenos yet. I have some Blackstone fems in the fridge, I think they're the F6 version newly out. Still have a couple different releases of Stone Dragon regs as well, I'll probably plan a micro run in small pots and look for a few different males, and pollinate a bunch of females, to keep a diverse, open pool of genes available. It's really part of the beauty of this line--there's a lot of diversity in there so multiple, subtle phenos are possible...such a boon to have SD available in reg form for this reason.

Lots of crosses I'd like to try with other autos, but I'm also considering running photos and making some initial crosses. Takes a few generations to get to fully auto but would be fun and I could eventually get there, in time. Haven't grown a photoperiod in forever, there's a few strains I'd like to play around with that don't have a similar auto version yet.....
oh yeah man, I have whitea here n there at times.had about a dozen or so ,so far.got some F5 red regs as well among others.just aint gotten around to doing a thing. I need to.my life is getting more streamline for meds and thats going to help a ton man. Im really glad you like the SD's..well BS's rather I just always called them Stone Dragons for so damned long it just slides right off the fingers man LOL