Indoor Pop22's Shout Out!

Just ordered 4 types of chilies from Tradewind Fruits, an heirloom seed seller

Jeez man, sorry to hear. Sad it still has be that kind of dogs life. Yeah, enough to put a fire in the belly and get moving.
Grow some crackling hot chilies man, and don't forget to carry an emergency walkie talkie before you go to the restroom, things could get hot if not handled delicately, be safe :headbang:
check out Tradewind Fruits and Seed Savers! Lots of interesting varieties and Monsanto doesn't own them..........

Sorry to hear of your scare pop, glad to hear you've got a plan. I too cant wait to be in a legal state also.

I want to grow carrots lol have a few thousand seeds gonna give them a go, and I too want to grow a few chilies. Gotta find one that's right for us though lol
probably March or there abouts, in the mean time, I'll have no more than 3-4 plants with only one adult. It will be enough for now lol. I'll just have to live with a boring selection.... hehe
Better boring and safe rather than up shit creek without a paddle! And it's less than half a year away, so not too long :bighug: