Outdoor Pop22's 2018 Greenhouse Grow!


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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Alright!!! Getting an earlier start this year! Last year, I pulled almost a kilo from a little 6'x8'x8' greenhouse. This year, I'm back to a 10'x10'x8' greenhouse, out to get sa nice haul from that! All plants in the raised beds this year will be autos, may have a few photos hanging around in post too. And I'll be growing a mishmash of strains in hanging basket. This is going to be fun!
Blue Dragon. Now, having never grown them outside or in a raised bed, I'ver noe idea how big they can get, guess we'll find out! However, the dillemma is how many to plant? And I still don't have fem seed made so these are regs. I'm going to start with thirty and thin down to around 8 plants. Now, last year, i planted small autos along the front edge of the raised bed and that worked out great. I'm doing it again with black Dragons, I'll plant twney and hope for many females...lol!

The second bed will have 10 Haze CBD, 5 Duurty Dragon x Big Bud, and who knows what else lol!
Hanging basket will get some Cushdog, and maybe a test strain or 2 ( I have about 17 strains still to grow lol ).

Greenhouse goes up Saturday. Next non-rainy day I'll prep the raised beds. Topping them up with Black Soil and composted horse manure, and a dose of Doctor Earth dry organic, nutrients, and worm castings. Raised beds will be watered via driplines.

Pics after the greenhouse is up, but here are some pics from the previous greenhouses.

Blue Dragons in greenhouse pic1 -8-3-2016.jpg
Blue Dragons in greenhouse pic2 -8-3-2016.jpg
Blue Dragons in greenhouse pic3 -8-3-2016.jpg
Ducksfoot pic1 -8-3-2016.jpg
BD Greenhouse pic7 -8-27-2016.jpg
BD Greenhouse pic8 -8-27-2016.jpg
BD Greenhouse pic8 -9-27-2016.jpg
DF Greenhouse pic3 -8-27-2016.jpg
Big Blue Dragon - pic1 -9-28-2016.jpg

10x10 grrenhouse frame is up, should have the cover on this evening if the wind calms. I put up the small greenhouse from last year in another spot. I put the sprouting seed trays out there yesterday, along with a tray of clones. Clones survived the night and are looking fine. 10 of 27 Blue Dragon sprouted overnight. There are also 10 of 18 Black Dragon and 8 of 12 CBD Haze up. Got some tomatoes in there also. 2 didn't make but I broke the stems carring them and stuck them in pots anyways.... I have more lol! I'm growing them inside this year as the last two years my outdoor tomatoes had tomato blight.

Building raised bed [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] for the greenhouse today!

Small greenhouse - Caana seedlings - 5-11-2018.jpg
Small greenhouse - tomatoes 5-11-2018.jpg
I've been growing them in my raised beds, but the last two years I've had tomato blight. Grenhouse tomatoes were unaffected, so all will be potted thise year

:toke: :pop::coffee: taking a seat and taking notes

These are my tomatoes pot each of cherry plum and Money maker , started them off in solo cups then buried them deep in the airpots

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