New Grower Pollinating auto ?

Jan 4, 2015
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hey guys im currently growing 3 auto feminized and 2 photo regular , was just wondering , if I end up with a male , can i use the pollen of the regular plant to get my auto to make seeds ? Also how long does the seeds take to be viable from the time you put the pollen on the pistils ?
Might get a quicker answer in the breeding forum, but hopefully someone might be and to tag people into this one.
hey guys im currently growing 3 auto feminized and 2 photo regular , was just wondering , if I end up with a male , can i use the pollen of the regular plant to get my auto to make seeds ? Also how long does the seeds take to be viable from the time you put the pollen on the pistils ?
Yes, you can pollinate an auto with a photo that is how you make a photo into an auto. BUT, it will not make auto seeds lol. Got your hopes up didn't I. So if you going to pollinate be careful. That is the 1st step in making a photo into auto. I am interested in it myself. I heard it take min 4 breeding grows to make fully auto. Roughly each time you grow as many as you can then you pollinate the best. Each time you do that it become more stable. That's the short... short... short answer. If I got it wrong someone correct me. There is a lot more detail, and even more work that go's into it. I plan on learning to make female seeds from the strains I have. I know how just have to give it a shoot. Hope that helps.
I would leave the seeds as long as you can. You can get a lot better info in the breeding section from growers who do it lol. If you're not experienced I would breed when growing photos and autos at the same time unless you can separate them.