New Grower Please, please help me out!

  • Thread starter dazedandconfuzed
  • Start date


Hi all, I've been lurking for a few months and decided after failing miserably to finally ask for some help. Firstly, like I said, I have been researching, experimenting since November. I've read hundreds of articles/forums/tips/tricks EVERYTHING and am still doing something wrong!

Ok, please bare with me, this is my first time growing, I just want enough for personal medical use. I decided to try auto's because of the quicker turn around and I for some reason thought it may be a little easier (haha). So I built myself a stealth cab out of an old wardrobe, 4" inline fan+filter, 300w dual spectrum CFL. Mylar etc etc. It's not huge, around 38"x 31"x 20".

I'm using Biobizz; All Mix, Grow and Bloom with rainwater. I have 6 litre pots and 2 litre pots. I don't have so much space and am not looking to grow monster plants, 2Ft hight Maximum.

So I started a Snowryder seed back in November in a 1 litre pot. All looked well for a few weeks, I was happy. After around day 30, I started to see yellowing and the plant looked unhealthy. I got some advice from my local hydro spot and they recommended me to transplant it. So I did into a 6 litre pot. The plant came back around, didn't grow any bigger, but flowered and was actually not bad.

It was from here my problems started, I tried 2 Blue Himalaya with the same method, both went yellow and died. I then tried a third in a 6 litre pot, as I was reading about what Auto's like and don't like and they don't like to be transplanted due to tap root reasons. Wow, big difference, the size and rate of growth was much better, but again, around day 25-30, the plant started to yellow a little, bud sites went super green, thin looking, kind of droopy. I was watering only when the pot felt light after 3-4 days then a good soaking with a little run-off. I tested my water PH and it was 6.0. So I flushed it, it came back but then a day or so later-back to the same. Eventually it stopped growing or showing any improvement so I cut it down to try again.

I'd like to note that up to this point, I hadn't added any nutes as I read for small Auto's, the All mix can see it pretty much through to the end, maybe I've taken this too literally? There is so much info out there online and it's all very contradicting at times!

So here is where I am now, started a Mango Sugar Ryder around a month ago, same deal, 6l pot, same watering apart from at day 15 or so I started to use a very small amount of the Bio-grow. I'm at day 35 and having yet more problems. This time crazy drooping going on. No yellowing, the leaves are nice and uniform green, looked really healthy up to a few days ago. I thought it was overwatering, but I haven't given this plant hardly anything, one good soak a week Max. Now the pistols seem to have stopped growing, and drooping starting from the top sets of fan leaves.

After so many hours looking a pictures, descriptions, etc etc I came to the conclusion it may be a PH problem? So I followed some advice online and flushed with 15 litres of rainwater then checked the run off and it looked a little higher than I expected-around 6.8-7.2, so I used some PH down with my last litre of water that also had 1/4 flower nutes. Checked run-off, a little better around 6.2-6.4. I also read that giving it a rest from direct light, so the roots can dry out a little and not be put under too much stress, so I left it out of the cab over night and when I woke this morning, wow, looked fantastic, all leaves were firm standing up, it looked healthy again. So in the cab it goes, off to work I go, 12 hours later I come home, check the cab and there it is again, super droopy plant looking very sorry for itself.

I'm kind of losing faith here! Please can someone give me some advice as to what I'm doing wrong. Heck I'd pay for some advice right now!

I also have a 12 day old Auto Assassin, same deal, 2 litre pot, looked great for the first few days but now this one is looking super strange, like new growth is yellow but rigid. Looks different to the problems with the others....sigh!!!

I'm posting some snaps below of the Mango, the first one from a few days ago when I first noticed the upper fan leaves starting to droop. Then there is one as of today when I got home-SUPER-DROOP! Although I did put 16 freakin' litres of water through her yesterday, but why would things look great this morning? Is it my cab? My temps don't get below 60 or above 75-78? Humidity is around 30-40. Nothing in there fluctuates much, I have some small PC fans blowing fresh cool air in at the bottom. I'll include a picture of the cab too, that also has the sick Assassin in there.

I appreciate this is a super long post and I'll be surprised if anyone makes it to the end, but if you have got this far-can you help me out please! I don't want to have to go to dealers for my meds, I'm spending money having everything running 18 hours a day and really don't get what I'm missing.

Thanks for reading, :clap:

Sugar Mango start of drooping.​
Sugar Mango this morning.​
Sugar Mango tonight.​

Auto Assissin (is that Zinc or Nitrogen-they all look the same to me)



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Having read through your essay:smoke: I think you have got two problems.

the first being a soil ph issue, the fluctuation of your run off ph and the fact that as your plants get into flowering mode you get problems lead me to believe that soil ph is the cause of this problem.

This is easily and cheaply corrected. You will need 3 bits of equipment to correct any issues with soil ph in the future.

1. Soil ph meter - an accurate 8 is a highly recommended one but a cheap one will do the job, it just requires a little more maintenance and wont last as long.

2. lime - to raise soil ph if it gets too low

3. sulphur - to lower soil ph if it gets too high

If you need help sourcing these items I will dig up some links for you.

The second problem I think you are having is overwatering. I know you thought that this wasn't your issue but its just my guess. With all the flushing it may leave your soil waterlogged for a day or two then you should see a recovery.

The best advice I can give you is to start a journal and between me and my esteemed colleagues here at AFN we will guide you to a successful grow.

I hope you get things on track
Welcome to the Family!

Glad you've stepped out of the shadows, Dazed! :pighug:
The best advice I can give you is to start a journal and between me and my esteemed colleagues here at AFN we will guide you to a successful grow.
Yep, yep, yep!!
First, I'd head over to intro and say Hi to the folks
Then go over to the new growers forum an start your journal Just click the start new thread button, give your details, and you're off and running! :tiphat:
This will get you and your gals a lot of attention from some pretty dang good growers, Dazed! Buckle up! :xlaugh:
And Happy Growing! :peace:
Hello guys! Thank you so much for your replies. I certainly will head over to the other areas to say hello and start a journal, I've got a new White Widow sprout started so perfect timing. :)

Thanks again for helping me, this is a great forum and didn't want to jump in asking basic questions before I had read and had a go for myself.

Looking forward to getting to know you guys!
Thanks again for helping me, this is a great forum and didn't want to jump in asking basic questions before I had read and had a go for myself.
Brother, never be afraid to ask questions! :pighug:
We are the origional home of the "Good Vibe", and for a reason.
We've all had first grows, and AFN has advanced growers panicked first timers, and everything in between.
It ain't just a line, Friend; we want you to succeed! :grin:
Thank you renaissance! Very kind words, I feel very welcome here. :)