Dragon Meds please help

Thank you mossy I appreciate the input. And yeah I'm trying to tell her one glass of wine or a beer to stave off the withdrawal isn't going to hurt I told her that in my experience one drink and a few hits to lift the mood and energy was what worked well for me honestly I'd like to be able to see her off all her meds and off the drank and on the herb lol

Here is a post I made the other day not sure if this will help you better understand where we are or not but I am hoping I am on the right track here

So I was talking to EoF and asked him the following question he recommended I post here so here's the question*

*"Originally Posted byfreedom4all

Alright well I hooked my girlfriend up with some of that blue amnesia that I pulled I'm trying to get her to stop drinking had have had a few medical professionals tell me this is a good idea*

My worry is that she has shortness of breath and has pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks so I'm wondering how worried should I be? I told her don't smoke more than a hit or 2 at a time since from my understanding blue amnesia can be pretty high in sativa qualities am I being overly worried or do I have valid concern here?*

I have tried to give her the best advice I can and that is*

Moderation until you know how it effects you*
Don't drink when you are "medicated"*
Don't drive (kinda a no brainer as far as I am concerned but there are those that still do)*
And don't panic I told her it can get kinda speedy but that she isn't going to like trip or anything*

Anything else you can think to add? Don't mean to bug you I just want to get some opinions from people more skilled than I about cannabis as she's only smoked 2 or 3 times before and I've smoked about 10 times in my life lol*"

Basically I'm wanting to make sure she isn't going to die in her sleep or totally spaz out and give her self a heartattack I'm trying to help her see something other than alcohol for her pain, depression and anxiety*

Any and all advice would be good clearly this isn't a talk to you doctor if cannabis is right for you type situation so lol
So my girl called me up tonight that she smoked when she got home from work she said she took about 4 hits out of my steam roller and she said her ribs felt to get tight and some slight chest pains I'm thinking going with edibles might be a better bet for her or going to a water pipe at least is some chest pain and ribs feeling tight normal for a new ish smoker? Later on she called saying she had a couple drinks and she was freezing so I made the 10 mile hike over to her and she was super cold she said but felt warm so just wanted to get some opinions if this is something that could be a normal reaction or should I tell her to stop using all together?
Thank you mossy I appreciate the input. And yeah I'm trying to tell her one glass of wine or a beer to stave off the withdrawal isn't going to hurt I told her that in my experience one drink and a few hits to lift the mood and energy was what worked well for me honestly I'd like to be able to see her off all her meds and off the drank and on the herb lol

Here is a post I made the other day not sure if this will help you better understand where we are or not but I am hoping I am on the right track here

So I was talking to EoF and asked him the following question he recommended I post here so here's the question*

*"Originally Posted byfreedom4all

Alright well I hooked my girlfriend up with some of that blue amnesia that I pulled I'm trying to get her to stop drinking had have had a few medical professionals tell me this is a good idea*

My worry is that she has shortness of breath and has pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks so I'm wondering how worried should I be? I told her don't smoke more than a hit or 2 at a time since from my understanding blue amnesia can be pretty high in sativa qualities am I being overly worried or do I have valid concern here?*

I have tried to give her the best advice I can and that is*

Moderation until you know how it effects you*
Don't drink when you are "medicated"*
Don't drive (kinda a no brainer as far as I am concerned but there are those that still do)*
And don't panic I told her it can get kinda speedy but that she isn't going to like trip or anything*

Anything else you can think to add? Don't mean to bug you I just want to get some opinions from people more skilled than I about cannabis as she's only smoked 2 or 3 times before and I've smoked about 10 times in my life lol*"

Basically I'm wanting to make sure she isn't going to die in her sleep or totally spaz out and give her self a heartattack I'm trying to help her see something other than alcohol for her pain, depression and anxiety*

Any and all advice would be good clearly this isn't a talk to you doctor if cannabis is right for you type situation so lol

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Its not the weed its the drinks..I had one bad drinker ex..hole family was drunks..hospital dui ect..I wouldnt smoke and drink if you are not really a smoker though..It makes it seem like you have had more then u have ..might be a good thing though lol ,,Take your time..a bong will help loads and dont try to kill it just take a normal puff dont choke..and also sounds like she is a bit of a drama queen so keep that in mind too lol AUtos are all Hybrid but sativas are more energy thinking weed and indica are more couch lock relax weed.
I'm thinking going with edibles might be a better bet for her or going to a water pipe at least

Medibles are probably the worst option for a new canna user because it is very hard to predict doseage and once swallowed the effect is going to happen ready or not.

When you smoke first..you can have a couple of draws..put it down for 10-20minutes until you feel..or don't feel the effect..then have another couple of draws.

Easier on a new to canna user than medibles.

You say she had 4 Hits..knock her down to 1..then put it down for 10-20 minutes..and try another 1.

I wouldn't say tightness in the chest was usual..I normally get a relaxation in the lungs..but then I haven't tried the cross you have..

Maybe some other members will chip in if they have used that cross.

so I made the 10 mile hike over to her

You Walked 10 miles to go See her...?....:jaw:

If you are so Worried would you not be stopping with her for her first few days while she gets used to it..?
Thanks mossy I told her medibles are not a good option I do know that much lol

I started her off with one and then gave her another yesterday and she seemed to be good with it I wasn't able to supervise her last night as I don't get to see her every day with work and all I actually made the mistake of leaving her with about an 8th the other day because of not being able to see her every day I was like this should last yiu over a week we'll turns out the reason she was all over the place tonight was she smoked allllll of it had like half a bottle of wine and her anti anxiety meds (yeah not to bright of her but I take responsibility for it as I shouldn't have left her with it)

And unfortunately I couldn't stay a few days with her because of my dog plus work and all that and the reason I walked is because I'm low vision so I can't get my drivers license and I was worried about her calling the cops and getting busted if she was tripping out a bit lol selfish I know

And dab thanks she isn't so much a drama queen as much as low self-esteem she feels bad for everything and thinks everything is her fault so I'm trying to work on her with that been begging the girl to come to church with me some time but I'm working on her trying to get her in the hands of Jesus and not the alcohol
There Is a good movie you guys should watch called silver lining playbook...Alcohol is a depressant so thats a problem ..plus meds and weed on top lol..Only good thing there is the weed..It will help regulate her empathy ..but all together Im surprised she could stand..seems she may have a high tolerance for stuff..you should smoke with her then have fun..watch a comedy..go to a park get sun on your face...she needs to help the magic happen just a little bit ..if someone doesnt think they can get better ..they cant.
Yeah I know dab she got a little bit reckless last night but she's ok I'm going to try and get her when we both have a day off and see if we can make something awesome happen :) also her house is a shambles so I'm going over there with a couple 55 gallon trash bags and I'm gonna throw a bunch of stuff out and get her some actual home stuff like a trash can a coffee table a night stand ya knkw things most people should have in a home lol I was talking with my pastor today and he's like that's an awesome idea lift her environment and it will help lift her mood