Live Stoner Chat Noisy neighbour

Feb 7, 2023
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My next door neighbour really fucks me off when he has his girlfriend over and it's practically every night, he's claiming benefits as a single person and not working and hasn't worked in over 2yr he lived here.

He is a coke head and always fed with a silver spoon by his mummy who spoils him rotten, he's a nice lad of only aroumd 24ish and ive had words with him several times about his music.

He plays it constantly and it's bang bang bang bang, it doesn't bother me 90% of the time as I'm doing my own thing and I'm happy for people on the street look at his windows and think that poor fella living next door must be a nightmare for him lol albeit I've grow tents in 2 rooms and happy his music drowns the noise of fans etc so in a way it works OK.

Lately though ita becoming more frequent at night time and I'm now banging on walls at 4am and this morning the stupid cow coked out of her head started shouting at him and woke me up at 5am, it got to the point I opened my window slowly and gave it an almighty bang close so both houses shook! It must've given her a scare as she quietened down but it continues in there bedroom wall adjacent. I finally got back to sleep at 6am and woke grumpy and annoyed as its my last lay in before back to work tomorrow

Anyway I wanted to get my own back and yeah I know it's childish of a man in his mid 50s to play tit for tat, so what would normally take 5 min job, ive been outside strrimming my lawn for over 1hr with lots of start and stops knowing I'm waking the silly cow up as I pretend to fiddle wth the cable and do my own thing. I'm right under there bedroom window so I know it's heard.

I'm now going out to use my mower and knowing fine well that will probably make them give up and I'm sure I'll see there backdoor open sometime soon, failing that I've treats to cut so I'll have my music playing out my kitchen window

I'm no really looking for advice and tbh I must have a sativa dom in my last grow as I feel like I'm buzzing my tits and just talking away sharing what my twatty neighbours girlfriend is like.

I just wish they'd get a job and have a better routine and take responsibility
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Sometimes ya just need to vent. I certainly can relate, I have a neighbor who lives on her side porch not 20 feet from my bedroom window. We haven't opened that window in 5 years, she doesn't talk she yells. 7 days a week from 3 pm til midnight she's on that dam porch, doesn't matter if its 100° or -5°, and now she got a little high energy barking buddy.
Just be careful. Heavy coke users can't/shouldn't be trusted.

Keep in mind, many neighbors of comparably young pot heads may say much the same about their neighbors' behavior - noise (music, yelling), drug use, partying, etc. well into the night. Could be worse - they could be low-end coke dealers with 24 x 7 traffic; could alert junkie friends to rip off your place while you're gone; etc.
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My advice after dealing with a shitty neighbour for 12 years….. if your in the UK

If you own your home DO NOT raise a complaint of any kind as it HAS to be mentioned when selling your home it’s a LEGAL REQUIREMENT regardless of if the neighbours are at the address or not. It also starts a process with the council (mediation) which means a possible home visit.

For me it was easier to ignore them as much as I could as for obvious reasons lol but also he was a “Muslim” who was charged with domestic abuse when his wife left him, drank, smokes cigarettes and weed, had prostitutes round all sorts of crap!
But times he stepped the mark too far I just had words.

Now that I’ve moved and he no longer knows where I live and no way of finding out, let’s say he got his comeuppance BIG TIME! (still got tabs on him now lol)

If your anywhere else… ignore everything I said loool