Trying to control the temp & rH in a tent thats moving air through it is pretty difficult. Better to try & control the lung room environment as it's the air getting circulated. I get the cost issue, my power is over 400 if I'm running my 4x4 at any time of the year. I try shut down indoor runs in May and fire back up mid to late September to avoid making that climb another 50%.
Humidifiers and dehumidifiers I run in the 144 sq foot room that feeds the tent. Both rated for 2 to 3 times that space.
AZ is going to be a rH nightmare...
In the end, it may be best to check the cost per gram of growing, and then factor in your usage to see if dropping a tent size or something else will help.
I average about a buck to a buck and a quarter a gram. Run I'm on now I expect that to drop to maybe .75 cents a gram
That sounds fantastic till you figure I'll see anywhere between 450 & 700 grams out of the 4x every 90 days. Normal run costs me right in the area of 600 for all.
But my usage is probably on the high side, I probably make 2 lbs dissapear annually by my lonesome.