New Grower Please help diagnose my plant!!!

Could not agree more with @Sit a Spell

These are some tough plants. As long as you keep an eye on them you'll be fine. Best advice I can give you is to make changes slowly. It could be days or a week before you really see a difference. Mind your pH and watch the leaves. The plant will tell you everything you need to know along the way.

I also only really check the plants once a day. Partly because I am generally a lazy person, but also because I agree that poking around with them is introducing unneeded stress.

You're doing fine.
Hey Mike, so yeah hopefully you are right with the nutrient splotches instead of it turning out to be fungus which my instinct is telling me. I was looking for that page earlier thanks for providing it... I am going to give my details and fill it out tomm as I’m ready to burn and watch a movie to sleep too.. hehe. The shiny leaves had neem oil on em bc I acted quick when I saw some mites or gnats whatever chillin n walkin about in the soil (ffof) . My lights are raised but I haven’t raised them in at least a week my light source is a Platinum p300. So now the tops of my plants new growth is twisting maybe from the lights being to close? We’ll see . Thnx for your input fellas!
Hey Mike, so yeah hopefully you are right with the nutrient splotches instead of it turning out to be fungus which my instinct is telling me. I was looking for that page earlier thanks for providing it... I am going to give my details and fill it out tomm as I’m ready to burn and watch a movie to sleep too.. hehe. The shiny leaves had neem oil on em bc I acted quick when I saw some mites or gnats whatever chillin n walkin about in the soil (ffof) . My lights are raised but I haven’t raised them in at least a week my light source is a Platinum p300. So now the tops of my plants new growth is twisting maybe from the lights being to close? We’ll see . Thnx for your input fellas!

Fungus usually leaves additional visual evidence aside from the damage. Also, while I wont fault you for applying abundant caution against pests, I think it's important to make sure the pests you are fighting are actually harmful for your plants. Not all bugs are going to do damage to the plant. Some are in the house for other reasons, and just happen to be hanging out with the ladies. Gnats are probably pretty safe to ignore. If you want to be really sure, snip off a damaged leaf and put it under a magnifying glass. It's the teeny critters you have to worry about. Some too small to really see with the naked eye.
@Mike20132 you are on target with the gnats. I have them in my soil. Although mine are outdoors. I leave them be, they come and go based on the soil moisture.
:toke: - that tear in the leaf looks like physical damage; sometimes it happens when young and as the leaf grows and expands, the scarring causes some distortions because it interferes with even expansion,... no pics of the "half eaten" leaves leaves me guessing there, but likely the same thing, otherwise you'd see such large pests....
Odd "bleached"-looking spotting is less certain,... We need more info about your feeds(brand, NPK#'s), dosage, frequency... medium you're in,.. do you check pH of anything going in, water included... water source,.... T and RH%; lighting type, distance,....
....plant looks too green, and I see some minor tip claw, which smacks of N toxicity,...
Hey yeah thank you for commenting i use humboldt nutrients And honestly i should have started with even smaller doses of recommended not a quarter ...even less like half of a quarter n built up plants tolerance to notes but I started at half dosage n burnt my plants 2 times slightly like the picture of the white spots it was the day after I tried to reintroduce nutrients and as I read everynight from since planting them i realize they were started off in a hot soil to begin w (ffof) with bottom half mixed w the dude subcools autoflower soil they sell on amazon .which supposed to ha e everything needed. My light is a Platinum p300 its a good light but feel I need more. Tent humidity fluctuates BC I have a humidifier .I try and keep it no more then 70%temp started fluctuating now that weather is getting g nicer it used to stay in thelow 80s now its up to 90 in there sometimes I have 2 fans running in there. My tent is 2.5x2.5 6.5' tall. I really stressed am as I reacted right away when I saw those white spots n almost suffocated them w need oil some BS home depot brand 3 in 1 need oil from AGsouthern cCo.Pest..fuAngus..multicide somtbing lime that but I won't use again unless I really have a problem but wanted to stop it b4 it started. I am now growing seedling I decided to go with soil again n my nursery had Dr earth home grown organic and natural it has nutrients but I don't think its as hot as mostly focuses on the roots and comes with a bunch of good bacteria has a wetting agent in it n it says trubiotic on it n mixed it with coco 60%soil20coco20perlite with espomas seed starter soil in the middle n top.thats another story ttho .I am looking into additives n trying to stay on organic side. It i looked over some additives BC I didn't know what they could do ffor plant like silica . .iim learning so etching new e erynight aha I read atleast 2 hours before bedtime on any questions I hhave n aalways mAke my way to amazon Loil anyway like I said that's a different t story nan more edu dated T on how to grow aha. My plants seem fine right now they bounced back after I washed tthatneem off as I was suffocation them . That's my info tho but from now oon before It hits preflower im going to reintroduce w hhumboldt base B w a little secret tree silica and so e URBfor the microbes that's my info for now. thank u for minding please tell me what u think thanks! -T
Oh and bow humboldts secret base A is 4-0-1 base B 1-4-2 .golden tree is 0-0-2.5...when I started I should have done some research like I do now . I did a little n dove right in n thought everything would be easy peasy as the soil will do all the work for me but I count be more ignorant. Now I know much more but still hungry for new info . maybe before I start spending money on bloom nutrients n all somebody can give me the most important things I need which I think im on the right track. Been looking at advanced nutrients line of stuff or ne tar for gods im not trying to buy a whole complete set . just a good NPK ratio n some needed additives which I think Humboldts secret has a good line off stuff but like I said I wanna go more organic BC its harder to get nutrient lock BC of salts n stuff from what I understand my seeds are from growers choice seeds. I wish I knew better n that genetics n all that matter big time first time I ordered from a bank called seed bank they got my order all wrong n bothered to do nothing about it but I went with vrowera choice BC they seemed more pro but now I know bout mephisto n fast buds I just didn't go with them BC I did t trust the middleman seed banks like true north since I was burned once already but mayb e I should, to get some of those quality seeds ...Dutch passion I really wanted/want but I really did t wanna go thrust trouble of a bigger chance of seizures from customs since they r all overseas . im talking g to much hehe Thanks guys.
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