Plant straight in to pots?

Ive always heard pointy end up as well. I always start on paper towels and the root always curls immediately back from the point even in a towel. It probably does not matter too much, but if I was planting in soil I'd want the odds in my favor if possible. When I pluck a sprout from the paper towel, I always try to aim the root down when I plant it and get the seed head about 5-6mm in the ground.
I'm a virgin.

ok ok, me a fair guy :coffee: the best way to settle it is to see for urself, so how bout this...put a bean in to soak in a shot glass (or similar, whatever) for 24-36 hrz, after which time it'll drop to the bottom (might take a wee nudge sumtimez)...after carefully pouring out the water & retrieving ur bean (methodz vary, but make sure u got sum rubber glovez), u'll see the first lil "speartip" of the taproot starting to emerge, and well, there ya go, ez pz :thumbsup: now, at that point is when i meself g'head & stick em in the dirt (yes, final pot), skipping over the paper towel step, cuz the taproot can start "growing" into the paper towel, and when it comez time to take it off to plant it, doing so can rip/tear the taproot...jus fyi ;) however, i never pay attention to how it fallz into the hole & personally, don't worry bout which way is up, down or sidewayz, lol :rolleyes2: but again, that'z jus me & everybody duz it differently ;) ppp
Presuming the seeds are sprouted in their final container with a good amount of damp soil around them keeping the seeds damp, why the need to "cover the pots with clingfilm to create a humid atmosphere, put in a dark, warm space with no light and wait?" Sealing the plant in a dark warm space can add risk of mold/fungal infection. Why not have the seeds, as in nature, sprout in soil with the surface warmed by sunlight (put the pots in your tent or otherwise with a light on them)? The buried seed is already in the dark. You don't need to put the pots in the dark.

I want to see, as in nature, my sprouted seeds green-up as soon as possible in response to light and start making food/fuel (photosynthesis).
Presuming the seeds are sprouted in their final container with a good amount of damp soil around them keeping the seeds damp, why the need to "cover the pots with clingfilm to create a humid atmosphere, put in a dark, warm space with no light and wait?" Sealing the plant in a dark warm space can add risk of mold/fungal infection. Why not have the seeds, as in nature, sprout in soil with the surface warmed by sunlight (put the pots in your tent or otherwise with a light on them)? The buried seed is already in the dark. You don't need to put the pots in the dark.

I want to see, as in nature, my sprouted seeds green-up as soon as possible in response to light and start making food/fuel (photosynthesis).
So you would put a light on them when the ungerminated seeds are in the soil? I though the usual way was for complete darkness until they have germinated and start poking through the soil.
Presuming the seeds are sprouted in their final container with a good amount of damp soil around them keeping the seeds damp, why the need to "cover the pots with clingfilm to create a humid atmosphere, put in a dark, warm space with no light and wait?" Sealing the plant in a dark warm space can add risk of mold/fungal infection. Why not have the seeds, as in nature, sprout in soil with the surface warmed by sunlight (put the pots in your tent or otherwise with a light on them)? The buried seed is already in the dark. You don't need to put the pots in the dark.

I want to see, as in nature, my sprouted seeds green-up as soon as possible in response to light and start making food/fuel (photosynthesis).
:yeahthat: no reason to put in dark. I, myself drop the seed in sideways, the tap root will find its way down. Now I cut a water bottle in half and use as a humidity dome until it sprouts.
Dark v light, humidity dome v no dome, position of seeds. All getting technical.
I've heard of people using clingfilm or the plastic bottle method. Both to create humidity around the seed I suppose.
:yeahthat: no reason to put in dark. I, myself drop the seed in sideways, the tap root will find its way down. Now I cut a water bottle in half and use as a humidity dome until it sprouts.

:yeahthat: exactly! :headbang: ppp
I use the clear plastic tops that came with my food take-out order for humidity domes. :haha:

They fit my pots.

Humidity domes are clear to let light in.