Plant straight in to pots?

31" x 31" x 70" - small tent

hmm, ya, me wouldn't put no more than 3 in there in thoze size potz ;) and mebbe me didn't understand ur prev post, but are u plannin on germin all 7 beanz & jus keep the best 3, or :confused1: ppp
If you're asking how many seeds to plant to get three plants, I'd plant three Mephisto seeds.

I'm new and have only started 5 plants and I only planted 5 seeds. 100% germination rate.

I have not grown Mephisto yet but judging from others I'd plant one seed to get one plant.
One seed per pot. Three pots in total. Just wondered what the success rate might be.

ah, gotcha ;) well, i meself haven't grown any of their'z yet, but mephisto has an excellent track record for their geneticz, so i'd say ur chancez for success are good :thumbsup: ppp
If you're asking how many seeds to plant to get three plants, I'd plant three Mephisto seeds.

I'm new and have only started 5 plants and I only planted 5 seeds. 100% germination rate.

I have not grown Mephisto yet but judging from others I'd plant one seed to get one plant.
Cheers. That's what I'm hoping. One seed per pot, three pots....happy days. Fingers crossed.
You seen like you've got most things under control I grow with autopots and I've started in the main pots and also in solo cups if you've got any issues along the way let me know my friend
How big are your pots mine are 15 ltr and I run 4 plants in a 120 x 120 x200 and it can get a bit full in there also mephisto are great strains and some are very small stocky girls I've grown some belters so you may get away with your space