Autos are awesome and a lot of fun. They grow fast and curious lol. Always remember once you pop em
You cant stop em. That being said, make sure your lighting is ready. Veg bulbs and flower bulbs. Higher Kelvin range for veg, lower for flower. I use 4100k or higher during veg and 2700k for flower. Lots and lots of it. If you want yields you need lumens aka penetrating power. I run 24/7. I have a ton of research on this and so far my ladies like the schedule. You can run 20/4, 18,6. ..... So on, it really is up to you and your circumstances. And autos never need a light change to begin flowering. Just turn and burn. Let it tip till they finish Next is soil, if that's the medium you are using,
I grow organic so this is a very important step. I mix my own with different natural additives to enrich my soil so it feeds the plant. I dont use chem nutes. I use fish oil and molasses to feed the soil, which in turn, feeds my plant. You can find many great recipes here and on web. I use my own combo of the different ones I've read about. Don't stress your ladies. Autos are "pre programmed" in a sense. If you stress them by over heat
Or overheated etc... you dont have time to recover because you can't simply veg it longer to recover before you flower it because it will automatically begin flowering in bout 5to 6 weeks. You want everything perfect,especially if you want yields. Look into autopounders from auto seed bank or mid week song. I use mid week because I can get from many different seed banks but in one super fast stealthy package.. This forum is the best I've seen as far as autos go . The people here are awesome and information is great. I'm sure you have more questions but ill let it go for now and check in on your grow in awhile. Good luck hope you get some short fat ladies. They are my favorite. Toke on