May 4th
Planted the seeds directly into a pre watered canna soil mix with about 20% added perlite. We used 11 litre pots and placed them in the tent under 250 watts HPS and waited for the seed to sprout.
May7th to 8th.
All seeds now above ground, at this point only checking on them everyday. No watering or feeding, soil still feels damp enough.
May 10th
Each of the seedings were watered and moved the light closer, about 12 inches away. Seedings looked as though they were stretching alittle, adjusting light position helped.
May 14th.
Light now at 400 watts and 16 inches above girls. Up till now they've been getting 24/0 light. From this point on i will run 20/4 to save on energy and give the girls rest from the heat. Tent sits between 30-40 degrees and humidity 40-70. The dark period will help with root growth aswell i hope.
15th of May
Each of the girls had their first feed this morning. 1m bio-biz mixed with 1 litre water and given to each. All is well.
17th May
Girls are all now 14 days old from point of planting seed. Pictures taken today
This is our first grow, we re gonna keep it as simple as we can, we figure less chance of screwing it up.. Any advice or comments are welcomed.