SSSC Pineapple Poison Fem

Day 60 - Veg
Well RO is up and running delivering 0ppm 5.6ph water. I took clones from the larger plant and ended with seven. The other is doesn't have enough branches so I'll probably just take one.

Spent all day squeezing Growpito as I flushed everything and conditioned more. We'll see how long they take to root and maybe I can start flowering in October.
Well RO is up and running delivering 0ppm 5.6ph water. I took clones from the larger plant and ended with seven. The other is doesn't have enough branches so I'll probably just take one.

Spent all day squeezing Growpito as I flushed everything and conditioned more. We'll see how long they take to root and maybe I can start flowering in October.
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I think these are Ferraris waiting for the right fuel to take off.
So glad you got that matter sorted out!

Looking forward to a new phase of your growing.
Day 62 - Veg
I have a blog entry with all my current strains going while I fix all these plants. The blog is preferable for me but I can't get one in breeder forums yet so I will run both. Mostly the same stuff I post in the individual threads just in a cleaner format imo.
F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

Completed  F | T |F Growery: Ace+SSSC+Dina+Sannie's+RO Rehab

don't like grow journals, maybe others do, I don't. Welcome to my ACE+SSSC+DINA+RO: Rehab project. Got my RO system, 8ft flood tables for food, and 100+ gallons of Growpito to condition. I'm participating in the Dinafem battle that I am incredibly, severely behind on, and also the SSSC...

Anyways, things are getting better and I'm already seeing improved root growth. I cut seven clones from the other pheno but waiting a bit more on the smaller one before I take a few cuttings.

Soaked the cuttings in humic and kelp for several minutes then into the Rhizopon>Growpito. Both phenos were super cropped a week ago or so but the small one looks bad still. Roots are shooting out so I believe top growth will follow.

Also, if anyone in interested there is a short video below of the Axeon RO system running.


Four different strains in the tray

Day 73 - Veg
Everything is finally much much better. Super cropped the larger one as I'm going to throw whatever I have, in my veg tent, in there, flower tent, in a week or two.

I only have one cut of the second pheno that is smaller but the donor plant has not been happy. Growth is better but not perfect yet. Several of the other clones have rooted so I'll keep one and flower the rest pretty soon I hope.

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Day 10 Since Transplant
I am 4 days out from 12/12 and it's about time.

The clones are doing very well with so far while the donor plants struggled with too much light and transplant shock.

I have been steadily cropping the donor plants while I've done it once to every clone. Internodal distance was long at first but routine kelp/fulvic/silica foliars seemed to have changed that on the new growth.

Mega Crop has been given based on their instructions with the addition of humic/kelp.

I've had to dim my lights as the PP is the only strain that has not tolerated these. Stem rub smells like boiling pinecones in winter.

Also defoliating repeatedly to encourage some new growth but I'm about done at this point. The clone of the ugly pheno has finally rooted after nearly a month but it's larger sibling will be the one I keep.

Ugly pheno is very close to just getting cut down at this point as I doubt it will even yield an OZ but I like miracles.

Flooded the table aaaaandddd I'll do it again when I switch to 12/12.
Day 4 - Flower
I went ahead and switched to 12/12 right after the last update.

At this point some stretching has begun I saw empty spaces begging me to fill them. Super cropped all the clones and pruned some ugliness off the donor plants.

Table looks packed now but 2# harvest would make me happy. Temps/humidity have stayed around 78-82f/55-60% with nights around 72-75f/55-60%.

Do wonder how these phenos are going to grow compared to everyone else's.

I love how once VPD is dialed in it's a very small difference of 15% humidity from veg to harvest. Started using my 6 gallon AIRCARE evaporative humidifier for the whole room rather than inside the tent.

Much easier to control humidity outside the tent with exhaust running 24/0 compared to the nightmare of having appliances in the tent.

I'm taking shots from a different side of the tent so Pineapple Poison is in the far left back row with a pot of clones of PP next to it on the right. There's also another clone on the far right middle row.

Day 9 - Flower
These improved out of nowhere, I did add some extra P. The donor plants look really good and all but two plants recovered completely from being cropped.

Table is filled and I fucking love it lol. May the terps fill my nostrils in the coming weeks. Those floors are getting redone, I swear lol

Beautiful cultivar that I'm pretty sure it's going to remain with me.
