SSSC Pineapple Poison Fem


Death The Cultivator

Pondering the Mysteries of High Pressure Aeroponic
Cultivators Club
Feb 14, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
La Buena Hierba Panama Haze
Incredibly excited to have the opportunity to run seeds from this mythical breeder. Massive thank you to @TheMongol and @Waira for this chance. Seeing the lineage, that Durban, and the effects were enough for me so here is a bit from the SSSC

Both Durban Poison and Pineapple can be considered as classic, old school varieties by now. Pineapple Poison can be grown outdoor and indoor. To create Pineapple Poison we crossed the original Durban Poison from South Africa with an old school Pineapple Skunk (unknown origin). It took the master breeder 5 generations of crossing to achieve the desired result, a very stable and potent fruity variety.

The Pineapple Poison is a very vigorous plant and easy to grow, especially outdoors. The sativa characteristics of the Durban Poison are very noticeable during the grow cycle. Indoor the plants grow in between 1 and 2 metres tall and outdoor she can reach up to 4 metres, resulting in a bumper harvest! Ready to harvest at the end of September, beginning of October.

The smell is very exotic and punchy, pineapple fruit and hints of anise from the Durban Poison. The taste is fruity and the pineapple flavour is followed by the anise flavour which remains as after taste for some time. The buds are very compact and frosty, very commercial for an outdoor variety.

So far I've prepared a solution of B vitamins, humic, and kelp to let the seeds soak in first. In the mean time I will prepare my substrate.


At the moment my flower tent is occupied but here's what I'm working with. The mother tent was originally for peppers and tomatoes otherwise I would have 5000k - sue me lol :vibe:

Mother Tent 4x4 with vertical shelving -

3 x 185w Bridgelux EBG2 Fixtures in 3000k
Aircare Evaporative humidifier
InkBird controllers
100cfm iPower exhaust
Growpito Beneficials
Mega Crop

I keep this one around 80-84f/65-75% RH. Everything gets hand watered from the bottom in here.

Flowering Tent 5x5 -

500w Bridgelux EBG2 fixture in 3000k
3x3 Flood table
55g reservoir
Growpito Beneficials
Mega Crop
InkBird controllers
2/3 Sprouted
Now I'm cooking with grease! 2/3 seeds have fully sprouted while one seed has cracked it's shell. I'll tag some people if they don't mind

@Rebel @Growtogrow @Master_gRoshi @TxRebel/Mark @420Forever @jdm61 @Shiva's Mistress @RivetGrrl @Ribbzzy @pop22

Once everything gets going I'll post videos to IG - same name exactly as my AFN name- and excess photos there. Gotten into a bad habit of taking 200+ photos per grow, for science, so yeah. Everything is shot with my OnePlus 6T or Jiusion digital microscope and post processed with Adobe Lightroom.

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:smokeout: Enjoy the show.

I’ll follow a fellow growpito growers grow plus it sounds like an awesome strain. Would love to scoop some of these. Would’ve been cool to test but I’ll gave to settle with watching.

Welcome welcome. SSSC has been on my bucket list for several years now. I'm pretty excited based off the description alone. And... Growpito!

Awesome! it wqill be another couple weeks before I can plant mine.

Tag me when you start please. Enjoy the show!