Grow Room PH'ing humidity?


High as a Kite
Cultivators Club
May 21, 2021
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Do you PH your humidifier water? I've always used de-chlorinated tap water in my humidifier. But my next grow I am going to ph that water just to see what happens. I've never seen anything mentioned on this subject. My tap water is close to a ph of 8, so am I not technically giving them a non-stop foliar spray in that range?
Depending on what you add to the water it may create buildup. If I don’t use RO I know my humidifier throws up a clean the element light pretty quick. You must have been so high to think of this:clapper:. Ultrasonic humidifiers apparently suspend all/most included contaminants so you may be right it’s different from a steam humidifier where the produced vapors would be more pure. You know your going deep when a google search ends up confusing me even more.
Depending on what you add to the water it may create buildup. If I don’t use RO I know my humidifier throws up a clean the element light pretty quick. You must have been so high to think of this:clapper:. Ultrasonic humidifiers apparently suspend all/most included contaminants so you may be right it’s different from a steam humidifier where the produced vapors would be more pure. You know your going deep when a google search ends up confusing me even more.
My tent walls have a white film from my humidifier, and it don't wash off easy, calcium maybe? If your using RO water in your humidifier, then your definitely throwing a lower PH into your tent. My machine needs cleaned good after every grow, I get a brown slim. My tap water is around 8ph with a ppm in the 50-80 range Supposedly no chloramine. But it has fluoride.
As for the being high, I may have started a tad early this morning, but the real culprit for the thinking was probably discovering AC Infinity was selling humidifiers now, and they can hook up to their controllers too.
My stoned ass did a test today. I captured the vapors from my cool mist humidifier in a ziploc bag. The water was 7.5 ph going into the machine, and condensation ph'd at 6.8
When your young you lay around token and come up with solutions on how to fix the world, then you get old and wonder about the ph of humidifier mist, or whats for dinner.