New Grower Ph up question

Jul 12, 2011
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I've noticed when I add FF tiger, and big bloom for bloom feelings that it always drives my ph way down and it takes like three or four droppers (probably about 2-3 tsp) of the standard blue ph up to bring it back up to 6.8. That seems like a lot. When it's just water usually half a dropper will bring it up from the same level.

Has anyone else experienced this? I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, and if that much ph up is bad for plants, what's in that bottle anyway.

If anyone can shed light on this I'd appreciate it.
I have to use 9drops per litre to bring mine up from 6.1 :bong:
That sounds like the same amount, I should have mentioned I'm using gallon jugs.
its if you were using that many drop with PH down there would be a problem mine take like half to 1 drop to bring it down 1-2 notches lol its like 87% strength
The behavior of ph in your water takes a little understanding. If your water has a fairly low concentration of minerals in it, it only takes a little ph up or down to adjust. As you add more stuff into the water, nutes or minerals, it will take more to adjust the ph. Sometimes with distilled or good RO water, a ph meter will give all kinds of crazy readings until something is added to it that affects the ph. Water that has a high ppm reading but the ph is a little off will affect your soil ph more than water with a low ppm reading and the ph is farther off. I hope that makes sense to you.
Very good info thanks guys. Adding a lot of anything makes me nervous, so good to know its the norm with some science to explain. I had a lot of trouble my last grow so I'm re-assessing every aspect.