Indoor Ph too high! what is the best way to lower it?

Im not 100% but i think you can make up as a liquid or direct to the soil? :peace:
I'd reccomend using the sulfur in the soil mix or on top to be watered in.... take it easy.... let it come down slow... you dont wanna overshoot and then have to adjust up...

for liquid adjustments you're best with ph down or white vinegar...

I have successfully used Aluminum sulfate in water for adjusting... but again... thats faster than the straight sulfur... :toke:
Where do you recomend buy this earth juice up and down squid? I better poor out that general hydrophonics ph+ and - it seems and replace it with an all organic product...
Amazon, Ebay, any number of hydro stores.
I have also used lemon juice to lower mine before and baking soda to raise it.