PH Plan Quick Start

Ok thank you. Yes indeed her ph is lower than mine, thank you for advice.

BTW : my ph is 7.3 and I feel so grate :woohoo: "Bailers Booya" (last time i felt like this was this summer at vacation!) :wiggle:. So grate Aunty Mossy you told me I need to monitor my ph :slap: (oops can't do it anymore.... :( need to spread some love first)
I mean those cramps would put me on the ground, they hurt so bad. I was
always told that it was my potassium that was out, but it wasn't. It was my
MG.... Not saying that my ph had nothing to do with it, but still. It's such a
great feeling not having leg cramps any more. "My 2 cents"

Ripster...go Here..I Know you will Get this straight away from the Girls......:thumbs:

It is a Magnesium AND Potassium Thang.....:tiphat:..
Captain might wanna run a Self Diagnostic....:grin:

Self Check List
#1. Can you touch your Toes..easily..?
count 1 point if you answer no.

#2. Do you have a crease on your ear-lobe..?
count 1 point if you answer yes.

#3. Do you have all the half-moons on your fingernails..?
count 1 point for every one you have Missing.

#4. Do you have a family History of Arthritis..?
count 1 point for a yes.

#5. Do you have Nerve pain..?
count 1 point for yes.

#6. Do you have a family history of any other Autoimmune disease..?
count 1 point for any AID.

#7. Do you have a family history of Diabetes type 2..?
count 1 point for yes.

#8. Do you have a family history of Osteoporosis..?
count 1 point for a yes.

#9. Do you get Migraines..?
count 1 point for yes.

#10. Do you have Restless Legs..?
count 1 point for yes.

#11. Do you have shoulder/neck spasms..?
count 1 point for yes.

#12. Do you have Fibromyalgia..?
count 1 point for yes.

#13. Do you look prematurely Wrinkled..?
count 1 point for yes.

#14. Do you suffer from Depression..?
count 1 point for yes.

#15. Do you suffer from SAD..?
count 1 point for yes.

#16. Do you want to Hibernate in the winter..?
count 1 point for yes.

#17. Do you have a family history of Altzheimers..?
count 1 point for yes.

#18. Do you suspect you have a carbohydrate sensitivity..?
count 1 point for yes.

#19. Do you suffer from Insomnia...?
count 5 points for yes.

#20. Are you Tired all the Time..?
count 5 points for yes

Have you Forgotten your Score..?....:PH Reading..?:..damn..Brain-Fog add another 5 points...

If you have answered Yes to 3 or more of the above the chances are that you Are
already in a Low PH situation with a Magnesium deficiency..and you Need to
adjust your diet/PH to avoid a Long Term Chronic Illness.
Self Check List
#1. Can you touch your Toes..easily..?
count 1 point if you answer no.

Easily, no. After a little persuasion, yes lol. I guess that counts as one point... +1

#2. Do you have a crease on your ear-lobe..?
count 1 point if you answer yes.


#3. Do you have all the half-moons on your fingernails..?
count 1 point for every one you have Missing.

I have a mini one on a single thumb, other than that no.... where did they go lol. +9

#4. Do you have a family History of Arthritis..?
count 1 point for a yes.

Yes, plus I have a cartilage deficiency (I forget what this is actually called) so with my joints slowly wearing away it's only a matter of time before it hits me. +1

#5. Do you have Nerve pain..?
count 1 point for yes.

Yes.... my own fault. Too many years jumping off of high places (Skateboarding lol). Lower back and knee. +1

#6. Do you have a family history of any other Autoimmune disease..?
count 1 point for any AID.

Not that I know of, no.

#7. Do you have a family history of Diabetes type 2..?
count 1 point for yes.

Yes, +1

#8. Do you have a family history of Osteoporosis..?
count 1 point for a yes.

Yes, +1

#9. Do you get Migraines..?
count 1 point for yes.

*Sigh*... Yes, 1

#10. Do you have Restless Legs..?
count 1 point for yes.

Yes, +1

#11. Do you have shoulder/neck spasms..?
count 1 point for yes.

No, but I do in my legs, presumably just part of the RLS

#12. Do you have Fibromyalgia..?
count 1 point for yes.

The jury's still out on this one. I'd not heard of it tbh until I spoke to Son of Hobbes and did a little research. Does ring true but I don't want the extra points so I'll say no :)

But probably...)

#13. Do you look prematurely Wrinkled..?
count 1 point for yes.

Woohoo, no :)

#14. Do you suffer from Depression..?
count 1 point for yes.

Aww lame.... yes. +1

#15. Do you suffer from SAD..?
count 1 point for yes.

Very much so, +1

#16. Do you want to Hibernate in the winter..?
count 1 point for yes.

Oh yeah, sat under a log as we speak, +1

#17. Do you have a family history of Altzheimers..?
count 1 point for yes.

Only one family member that I know of... +1?

#18. Do you suspect you have a carbohydrate sensitivity..?
count 1 point for yes.


#19. Do you suffer from Insomnia...?
count 5 points for yes.

Bloody right I do, chronically. +5

#20. Are you Tired all the Time..?
count 5 points for yes

I suppose so yes but not sleepy tired, just lazy tired.... +5

Have you Forgotten your Score..?......damn..Brain-Fog add another 5 points...

:check::check::check::check::check: +5

If you have answered Yes to 3 or more of the above the chances are that you Are
already in a Low PH situation with a Magnesium deficiency..and you Need to
adjust your diet/PH to avoid a Long Term Chronic Illness.

Thank you, thank you very much

This is the body temp info..hypothyroid symptoms are low body functions..Most chronic sickies will be showing Signs of is a Symptom of low body PH...:thumbs:

When you hear the phrase “Take your temperature”, you usually
associate it with being sick and looking for a fever.

But your temperature can also be one of many clues of your metabolic

As a hypothyroid patient, taking your temperature can be an important aspect
in three ways:

1) it can help you diagnose your hypothyroidism

2) it can help you find the right dose of natural desiccated thyroid or

3) it can help you assess your adrenal status as well as finding the right amount of HC or
Adrenal Cortex

average temperature of an adult with a healthy thyroid and a healthy
metabolism is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees Celsius, and that occurs
around mid-afternoon or 3 pm. So if you take your mid-afternoon temp and find it
in low 98′s or even in the 97′s, you have been given a strong clue that you may
be hypothyroid and/or undertreated (or your low cortisol is
keeping you hypothyroid). And a few report their mid-afternoon temp being in the
96′s. BRRRR.

Another temperature clue occurs first thing in the morning before you raise
from your bed. Dr. Broda Barnes, a doctor who paid attention to clinical
presentation and prescribed the pre-reformulated Armour, found that a healthy
before-rising morning basal temp should be between 97.8 – 98.2 (using a mercury
thermometer under the arm for ten minutes). If it’s higher, you may be
hyperthyroid, and if it’s lower, you are most likely hypothyroid. If using an
oral thermometer in the mouth and want to compare it to the way Broda Barnes did
the underarm, leave in your mouth for five minutes, then subtract 1/2 degree
from your result to make it closer to underarm temp taking — the latter which is
usually lower.

33.5ºC = 92.300ºF

IF that reading is correct then you are actually suffering mild hypothermia symptoms..
the lowest my body temp went was 93.5 'F...they start treating you for mild hypothermia @ 95'F.

This body temp drop is associated with Exhaustion symptoms..and of course insomnia.
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#3. Do you have all the half-moons on your fingernails..?
count 1 point for every one you have Missing.

I have a mini one on a single thumb, other than that no.... where did they go lol. +9
Yup..that was My reaction when I realised mine were gone...

Your body Stores a 5 Year supply of it goes into Lockout your half moons start to you have been on vitamin B12 Lockout for over 5 Years.
Magnesium supplements turn the Vitamin B absorbtion back on..seeing your half moons start to appear again will let us know that the treatment is Working...

#4. Do you have a family History of Arthritis..?
count 1 point for a

Yes, plus I have a cartilage deficiency (I forget what this is
actually called) so with my joints slowly wearing away it's only a matter of
time before it hits me. +1
Magnesium controls body fluids..if there are insufficient fluid levels in the joints it leads to compression and wearing away of joint that are supposed to have a fluid cushion around them..
Your Suspension has Gone...

Plus...Add another point to your final score..Arthritis IS an AutoImmuneDisease...

#5. Do you have Nerve pain..?
count 1 point for yes.

Yes.... my own fault. Too many years jumping off of high places (Skateboarding lol). Lower back and knee. +1

Nope..insufficient oxygen in the blood to effectively make the repair..they Ain't Fixed properly...

People believe old injuries etc get arthritic..and they Accept is Wrong..
When we get your PH levels sorted you will have Less Pain in these Old Injury areas..

#8. Do you have a family history of Osteoporosis..?
count 1 point for a yes.

Yes, +1

This is the Free Calcium problem that happens when your body and cells are over Acidic and Calcium has gone into Lockout..the body will start releasing Calcium into the blood to Alkalise it ..since it cannot Absorb it because you are in start cannabalising the bones and teeth.
Magnesium will Reverse this and drive the Free Calcium back into the bones.

#9. Do you get Migraines..?
count 1 point for yes.

*Sigh*... Yes,

#10. Do you have Restless Legs..?
count 1 point for

Yes, +1

#11. Do you have shoulder/neck spasms..?

count 1 point for yes.

No, but I do in my legs, presumably just part
of the RLS

#12. Do you have Fibromyalgia..?
count 1 point for

The jury's still out on this one. I'd not heard of it tbh until I
spoke to Son of Hobbes and did a little research. Does ring true but I don't
want the extra points so I'll say no :)


Migraines...restless legs and fibromyalgia are all Classic symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency..

#19. Do you suffer from Insomnia...?
count 5 points for yes.

Bloody right I do, chronically. +5

#20. Are you Tired
all the Time..?
count 5 points for yes

I suppose so yes but not sleepy tired, just lazy tired.... +5

The homework says the insomnia is because your night time body temp is too Low...and the temp test seems to agree with that...:thumbs:..the Lazy Tired is simply not enough Oxygen in your blood..Oxygen = Energy.
That will come back when your PH levels go Up.

Well I've got some Good News and some Bad News....:PH Reading..?:...The Bad News....?....if you were me dog I'd have you put to sleep....


Only is All Good News...

you Definitely have enough symptoms to say that you are very magnesium if we get you set up on should Feel a Big Difference in a very short time....:coffee2:
Ripster...go Here..I Know you will Get this straight away from the Girls......:thumbs:

It is a Magnesium AND Potassium Thang.....:tiphat:..

Thanks Aunty Mossy... The vid and the info in the link was spot on...:Say Ahhhhhhh:

BTW, the link wasn't visible until I went to reply to that particular post. Once I hit, "reply with quote" it showed up. I copied and pasted it to my search browser and it took me right there.
This is the body temp info..hypothyroid symptoms are low body functions..Most chronic sickies will be showing Signs of is a Symptom of low body PH...:thumbs:

IF that reading is correct then you are actually suffering mild hypothermia symptoms..
the lowest my body temp went was 93.5 'F...they start treating you for mild hypothermia @ 95'F.

This body temp drop is associated with Exhaustion symptoms..and of course insomnia.

Hi Aunty, thank you for all your help. Sorry it's so long in between replies :)

I checked my temp throughout yesterday...

6am = 34'C/93.2'F,
3pm = 33.5/92.3
10pm = 33.5/92.3

So if we're generous and bump that up by 1'F then my highest is still only a touch over 94'F.

My mum has an overactive thyroid as do a few other family members but I had a blood test and once over from the Doc last month, surely he would have picked up on some of these things, wouldn't he??.... If not I think I need a new doctor lol. They (thyroid/glands?) are, and have been swollen for some time now (longer than I can remember actually..)

Well I've got some Good News and some Bad News....:PH Reading..?:...The Bad News....?....if you were me dog I'd have you put to sleep....


Only is All Good News...

you Definitely have enough symptoms to say that you are very magnesium if we get you set up on should Feel a Big Difference in a very short time....:coffee2:

It's okay Aunty, I think I'm ready for that trip to the vets.... Please, Stick a needle in me, I'm done


I have to book a new appointment at the docs on Monday so once I know when I'll see him, I'll get back in touch. Never takes me long to get in there so it shouldn't be long.

I'm right in the middle of watering the ladies but once I've finished I'll pop back online to chat properly, just having a quick tea break...

Hope your okay Aunty, talk to you soon :)

:Sharing One:

I'm right in the middle of watering the ladies but once I've finished I'll pop back online to chat properly, just having a quick tea break...

:Sharing One:


I don't call em tea breaks, we call them "little" breaks, and they are green in nature. he he he

