Yes growing in coco. I have been watering daily until a lot of run off regardless of how light the pots are. They definitely haven’t been near bone dry! I feel like every other day might be more suitable. They’re not very big in 8 litre pots. I think near a litre each has been overkill. The Lower 5th of the pots looks wet not just the underneath. And I’ve noticed small green spots on the perlite in the top. (Algae) I read somewhere these could be signs of overwatering!?
My EC runoff seems within range aside from two of the healthier plants and my ph is not even 1 higher on run off. There’s no burnt tips.
Yellowing in new growth like iron or sulphur def. Spindly skinny new leaves and then drooping and twisting leaves seems to be the main issues. And it’s on all plants. So im thinking it’s either overwater or cold climate. Otherwise it wouldn’t affect all three strains the same which clearly want different nutes???
What do you reckon?
I water every day 16-20 litres in 5 gallon (16 litre) pots. I do not have any runoff to speak of. A few drops. The bottoms get very wet. I take the plants out to water and set them on large folded towels. The towels pull the excess water from the bottoms. So I never have saturated medium. I think the plants appreciate the extra effort. I think perhaps the towel method will suit you very well. No more saturated bottoms.
I never test runoff obviously.
If you have excellent microbial activity they PH for you.
I dont think you have to worry about nute burn. You would have burnt tips by now I think.
Stay below manufacturers recommended dosage.
My nite time temps go down to 66-67f. Day time 80-84. Under LED. My humidity is near 50% 24/7. Veg and flower as I am a perpetual auto grow. I have some nice pulling of my late flower plants. I believe the lower night temps help bring out color.
The light new leaves is probably normal. All of my vegetative plants have lighter leaves. Takes them time to produce chlorophyll.
Growing out the same strain several times you will begin to understand its needs. Yes some plants are nutrient monsters. Some are sensitive.
I have a plant that I had to lower away from the lights. It just did not like the light as strong as the other strains. I could not get it green. I finally realized that whatever part of the plant was the furthest away from the light would begin to green up...