OLD REVIEWS Personal preference (strain poll)

Yes. Just recently harvested outdoor grow. The resin was so thick my finger stuck to the plant whenever I squeezed for denseness. Also, the aromatic scent was noticeable many feet away - beware the fumes if you are trying to be stealthy. It has a strong, clean presence with a noticeable waft of grapefruit and hash. You'll like it!

oops, sorry this description was for Sugar Back Rose, not Cheese Candy.
Interesting. I grew a photo SBR and the smell, while noticeable without CF indoors, I'd put her into stealth department. Especially 80+ flower days no fumes, only at close range.
Only auto I've grown is Betty Boo and she's perfect hybrid for me; getting things done (beefcake!) in body sedation and when 'up' wears off sleep is deep.
I have Dark Devils for my December harvest ill be finishing think different and Buddhas for October and the 1 cheese candy for November. I stagger the shit out of my autos. next year Id like to get some stone dragons to start breeding them for my own personal use. :Sharing One: