Extraction Canna cooking...

I am trying to quit smoking, So I ask why should I get my lungs with canna. So As soon as I get the growing down I am coming here to get the cooking down, EAT it yum yum :dance:
Twice Baked Potatoes:toke:

This is a fantastic cannabis recipe that can be eaten as a stand alone snack or used as a perfect side for a plethora of meals. These potatoes are doubly good for two reasons; they’re easy to make and full of marijuana goodness. As long as you have cannabutter to begin with, you can make these in no time.


¼ Cup Cannabutter
4 Large Baker Potatoes
¼ Cup of heavy cream
2 Cups grated cheese
Anything you like on a Baked potato
Salt and pepper, for seasoning


-Preheat the oven to 375 F
-Wash and pierce the potato a few times with a knife or fork and place in the over for around an hour or until cooked to how you like them.
-Cut the potatoes in half and scoop out the innards into a bowl (be careful as these will be some hot potatoes.)
-Using a hand mixer on a low speed setting, mix the potato with the cream until blended. Mix in the cannabutter, 1 cup of cheese, and season.
-Refill the skins and top them off with the remaining cheese.
-Cook for five to ten mins or until they’re melted.
-Serve with a side of sour cream or anything you like to go with your baked potato.
so baked no bakes:toke:

2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick cannabudder
1/2 cup milk (can also use canna cream)
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal(can also use coconut instead, we call them hay stacks)
Waxed paper
In a heavy saucepan bring to a boil, the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk. Let boil for 1 minute then add peanut butter, vanilla and oatmeal. On a sheet of waxed paper, drop mixture by the teaspoonfuls, until cooled and hardened.
so baked no bakes:toke:

2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa
1 stick cannabudder
1/2 cup milk (can also use canna cream)
1 cup peanut butter
1 tablespoon vanilla
3 cups oatmeal(can also use coconut instead, we call them hay stacks)
Waxed paper
In a heavy saucepan bring to a boil, the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk. Let boil for 1 minute then add peanut butter, vanilla and oatmeal. On a sheet of waxed paper, drop mixture by the teaspoonfuls, until cooled and hardened.

I'll be making a batch of these next weekend....they are great!!
I just made some brownies and they are decent.Ill try one of each of these in time.Thanks for taking the time to post these fellas.:smokebuds:
I came across a vid on you tubes n it looks awesome.He was talking about making it so it has way less cloraphyll and a better taste and color to it.Looked awesome to me but Ive yet to make Butter.Im soooo looooking forward to making it later, in a few months. :D
I came across a vid on you tubes n it looks awesome.He was talking about making it so it has way less cloraphyll and a better taste and color to it.Looked awesome to me but Ive yet to make Butter.Im soooo looooking forward to making it later, in a few months. :D
I would suggest a water cure for a better taste...I have seen something similar...he started out making the budder normal...and at 2hrs he set it in the frig to harden...after word he would pour out the water and use fresh...repeat 3x or so to remove the taste. Washing the bud before hand would be better tho w/ the water cure imo...
Oh yeah ok,sweet.Ya sounds like that same video too.hmmmm,once I have a nother harvest ill have to mess with that.Ive heard a lot about water curing n all that.sounds awesome but Im so far from that its not even bothering thinking about.LOL!